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345 thoughts on “Subscribe to IELTS Tips”

  1. Mandeep Singh Birdi

    Hello Simone how r u. My name is Mandeep , writing to get some assistance from yours. actually, my result was declared yesterday and my scores are
    L 8.5
    R 9
    Overall 8, however, I need 8777
    My writing went really well as well don’t know why they didn’t give me bands.
    I wrote sufficient words. Besides the task demand was fulfilled as well. I m wondering if it would be at all worth reevaluating it. Please reply me
    Could you plz send me ur email id as I want to send my essay to u for correction if feasible .thanx

  2. Hi Mandeep, it’s sad to hear you missed the target score by just 0.5 band in writing. If you’re confident you deserve a 7 and waiting a few weeks for re-evaluation isn’t a problem, it’s worth trying to get your writing remarked. Our teachers can help you evaluate any essay you’d like – read here how our writing correction service works.

  3. Hi Chetna,

    In every email with IELTS updates you receive from us there is an easy “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom. Just open the email, scroll down, click on the link, unsubscribe. You’re done! By the way – congratulations on taking the test, and I hope our website helped.

  4. Hi Tamanna, planning your preparation is important for it to be effective and successful. Subscribe to our daily emails and we will send you the info you need to assess your current level, make a study plan which skills to tackle and in what order, and resources/materials you need to have to get ready for IELTS.

  5. Hi Caroline, to prepare well for IELTS you need a study plan and materials to use in your preparation. Subscribe to our daily emails and we will send you details on how to assess your current level, make a study plan which skills to tackle and in what order, and resources/materials you need to have to get ready for IELTS.

  6. Coming up with ideas for writing is a skill in its own right. When you’re practicing in writing, set aside some time to train in pure idea generation. Take a list of 5-6 essay topics, start from topic #1 and generate 3 ideas for it, quickly write them down, move on to topic #2, repeat the same process. It may happen that you get a topic you have no knowledge on, or no opinion on, and in that case you will need to read some articles about that topic or issue, to learn about it first. It’s all part of the process, but after some training you will be able to get enough ideas to write a great essay in a short time.

  7. Hello,
    I’m a fresh graduate and trying to improve my listening, writing, reading and speaking skills. As I’m a Bangladeshi, my pronunciation is mixed type but I want to do it like British accent.
    Reading, writing and listening extract average marks like 6.5 but I want to yield 7.5 band score overall.
    Please, suggest me the step by step improving techniques.

  8. Hi Hafez, you can get your pronunciation closer to the British accent by practicing daily in pronouncing words after British English speakers. You can listen to a Listening recording and repeat after it, or get a podcast recorded by a British podcaster, a news story, anything can be used for that. Record yourself too, and listen whether you are close to the British pronunciation, or not, and make notes what areas (sounds) you need to work on.

    You can also optimize your performance in Reading, Writing and Listening with the help of our books – download a free trial here.

  9. Hi Sonu, 15 days aren’t much, but you need to get familiar with the exam format, what you are expected to do in each skill, and do a couple of practice tests to find out your strong and weak sides, so that you know what to pay extra attention to in the real exam. You also should go over the most recent IELTS topics for Speaking and Writing, and think about things to say or write, if you get such topic in your exam.

  10. Hello. I am 50 years old. Actually i don’t know how should i prepare. I think my grammar and all 4 skills are not so good. Never i have teacher for english. So help me, please what i should do. I want to have high score. Also i don’t want to loose time and money empty. 🙏

  11. Hi Simone,
    How are you? I want to seek your advice in relation to writing correction. I took test two times, scored 8 in listening and reading and 7 in speaking both times, but always 6.5 in writing. How can I improve? Everybody says do practice, but how would I know whether I am writing write content or not. Therefore,
    please advice how your writing correction can help me in improving my scores? Could you please guide me what would I need to do if I want my essays to be corrected?

  12. Hi sir please help me to improve reading .. if it is possible can you please send me sample of reading.

  13. Hii mam I took Ilets test in June .but I don’t achieved good marks..I want to 7 band in each module ..plz give me some tips for reading and speaking.

  14. Hi Ratinder, sorry to hear you didn’t reach the level you were aiming at just yet – but don’t worry, if you’ve subscribed we will be sending you tips and resources daily for you to practice and get better. You CAN get the score you want!

  15. please can you tell me how i improve my reading . daily i do 3 readings and i get good marks in class but in mock test i enable to achieve good marks so please tell me something about this problem.

  16. This could be caused by time pressure that affects you and you lose focus because of that. This can also happen because you’re not used to doing the entire Reading test in one sitting under time limits, or you are feeling more tired when you are doing an entire mock test, 3 hours approx. Perhaps you need more practice in doing complete IELTS tests, as opposed to doing just parts of full tests.

  17. Hi, I m sailing in the same boat. I require 8777 but Everytime I had got 6.5 in writing and speaking, rest two are fine , listening I had got 8.5 and reading 7. I dnt know.where I am lacking , I tried every possible thing but my bad luck may be.

  18. Hi Humera, subscribing to our tips means you will start receiving IELTS advice and materials to help you get that score. You’re in the right place, enter your name and email address and start checking your Inbox daily for our emails.

  19. If you have a tutor, give them a sample of your writing and ask for detailed suggestions what your main issues are. Then you can work to address these particular issues and your score will improve.

  20. In any email you receive from us there is an easy “unsubscribe” link at the very bottom. Scroll all the way down, and you will see it. Click on that link and you will be unsubscribed right away.

  21. Sidra mubashar Hanif

    Hey simone my biggest fear is writing i spent most of my time on writing and still was able to get 6 in writing i need 7each and 7overall.My test went no good but writing was ok and they gave me less bands in writing.Help me plz

  22. Hi Sidra, sometimes you can spot your own mistakes and sometimes you can’t. Since in IELTS all you get is a score without an explanation why it was given, it would help you if you submitted an essay to our teachers. They can check it and comment on all the things you need to change to start scoring higher. Please visit this page to learn how to send your writing for correction.

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