Below are the questions shared by our friends who took IELTS exams in India and Saudi Arabia. O and N only remembered the Writing and Speaking parts, and from their emails it looks like the two exams were very similar, if not identical.
Writing task 1 (a report)
We were given a bar chart of population growth in four countries (China, India, the USA and Japan), in the years 1969, 2002 and a suggested figure for 2050.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
Why do you think artists like writers, musicians and painters still have value in our society? Discuss.
Speaking test
– Tell me about the house where you stay at the moment.
– What do you like or dislike in it the most?
– Are there any electrical appliances that you would like to buy?
– What kind of products is dominant in your country?
– Is it important for your country to export products to other countries?
– How should a company’s staff be trained?
Cue Card
Talk about an old building that you have visited recently, please say
– what is that building
– where is it located
– why did you visit that building
Don’t remember