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Fresh IELTS Speaking questions from India – April 2024

IELTS Speaking Fresh Questions India April 2024

Our student S took IELTS in India VERY recently and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you currently live?
– What type of job do you have?
– Is it easy to find a job in your hometown?
– What type of transportation did you use to get to your test center today?
– Did you enjoy watching or playing video games in your childhood?
– What games were your favourite? Why?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about an important home appliance that is used daily in your family. You should say

– when you bought it
– who in your home uses this appliance the most
– why this appliance is important to you

and give some advice to others about using this type of appliance.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Can you name another home appliance that people commonly use on a daily basis?
– Do you think people nowadays accumulate unnecessary appliances or equipment in their homes? Why or why not?
– Where do most people in your country prefer to shop for their household items, in local markets or shopping malls?
– Some people believe that higher-priced goods are of better quality than lower-priced ones. What do you think?
– Many teenagers today spend a lot of their time playing video games. Is this beneficial or harmful and why?
– What do you think about the importance of technology in the workplace?

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