Our wonderfully kind student PI has shared the questions from his very recent IELTS exam in Canada, below:
Speaking test
Part 1 (Interview)
– Can you tell me a little about yourself?
– What do you do for work or study?
– What is your hometown famous for?
– Did you take history classes in school?
– Do you think learning history is important? Why or why not?
– Can history be helpful in day-to-day life? Why or why not?
– What period of history interests you the most?
Part 2 (Cue Card)
Describe a free thing you received. You should say:
– what it was
– how you got it
– how you felt about receiving it
and explain what you did with it.
Part 3 (Discussion)
– How often do people receive free things?
– Do people appreciate free things as much as those they pay for? Why or why not?
– What are some common free things that people receive?
– Do you think companies should give out free products? Why or why not?
– How do giveaways and free offers influence consumer behaviour?
– Are there any disadvantages to receiving free things?