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IELTS Speaking questions from Saudi Arabia – December 2023

IELTS Speaking questions from Saudi Arabia – December 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions Saudi Arabia December 2023

Our student KA took IELTS in Saudi Arabia a few days ago and his examiner asked the following questions in the Speaking test.

Test tip: Go over these questions and think of some things to say and what vocabulary you would use. IELTS Speaking test questions and topic areas are known to repeat in many countries! Being familiar with the topic and specific questions increases your chances of success.

Once you have some ideas, answer the questions and record yourself. Then listen to your recording and check your fluency, intonation, gaps in vocabulary or words you may have mispronounced. Re-record anything you are not happy with, and you’ll see that your next attempt sounds better already!

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your name?
– Where are you originally from?
– Are you from a village, city, or town?
– Do you regularly run?
– Did you run a lot when you were young?
– Is the area around your home suitable for running?
– How do people in your area keep fit?
– Do you prefer to exercise indoors or outdoors?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a picture or photograph that you liked a lot. You should say:

– when and where you saw it
– what is on the photo / picture
– why you liked it

and explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Why do people take photos?
– What is the effect of technology on photography?
– Can you trust a written text or a photo more?
– How have people’s photography habits changed with the advent of smartphones?
– Do you think photographs are a reliable way to record history?
– How can historical photographs influence our understanding of the past?
– In your opinion, what role do photographs play in teaching and learning history?

How to Get Rid of Bad Handwriting in IELTS

Get Rid of Bad Handwriting in IELTS: Top Tips and Strategies for Improvement

In the paper-based IELTS bad handwriting is a real problem: if the examiner struggles to read what you’ve written, it could negatively impact your score. Handwriting can potentially affects 3 IELTS skills out of 4 (Listening, Reading and Writing), because all the answers are written by hand. Any answer that isn’t legible will receive 0 marks, which means 75% of your score can suffer from poor handwriting.

Legible handwriting is just as important as your content. Yet it is a common not only for younger people but also for adults to struggle with their handwriting. The problem is compounded by the fact that we type more than write by hand these days, and our handwriting skills deteriorate because we don’t use them enough. Luckily there are effective ways to make your handwriting clear and readable.

Bad Handwriting in IELTS

Practical Tips to Make Your Handwriting Easy to Read

1. Switch to Print Handwriting: If you usually write in cursive, switch to print handwriting. This style, where each letter is separate and not connected, significantly improves legibility and readability. It’s easier for examiners to decipher individual letters and words, reducing the risk of misunderstandings.

Bad Handwriting in IELTS

2. Relax Your Grip: A tight grip on the pen can lead to hand cramps and uneven writing. By loosening your grip, you’ll find that writing becomes more comfortable, and you can maintain a consistent quality of handwriting for longer periods of time without your hands tensing up.

3. Use Double-Ruled Paper for Practice: This is a great tool for keeping your letters uniform. Keep your letters between the two lines, just touching the top line, with only taller letters like ‘t’ and ‘f’ extending above. Make sure your capital letters stand above the top line – the difference between them and lowercase letters has to be clear. If there are no visible capitals starting each sentence, your score for Grammatical Range and Accuracy may be impacted.

Bad Handwriting in IELTS

4. Slow Down: Speed can often be the enemy of legibility. Take your time to form each letter properly. This might feel slow at first, but accuracy is more important than speed in the beginning stages of improving your handwriting.

5. Gradually Increase Your Speed: Once your writing looks fine when you’re writing slowly, start to gradually increase your writing speed. Regularly read back what you’ve written. If it’s understandable, you’re maintaining good control at that speed.

6. Practice regularly: Like any skill, handwriting improves with practice. Commit to writing at least one page by hand every day. You’ll likely notice a significant improvement in just two weeks.

Improving your handwriting for the IELTS is not just about making your answers legible. It’s about ensuring that your knowledge and hard work are accurately represented and understood. By making these tips into your daily routine, you can fix poor handwriting, once and for all. Keep going, don’t give up, and with regular practice, your handwriting will turn from a weakness to a strength in your IELTS journey.