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IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

Advertising is all around us, it is an unavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is a positive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss both views and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Many people wonder about . Some people think that it has negative impact in our life. However, positive effect on this world.

? Of Course for several reasons: firstly, it motivates the psychological point in everyone, and women in particular. They will run to buy this advertised product especially if it’s from , just to show their beauty to men, which may lead to negative effects of too much sexual attention. Secondly, you can sit comfortably with your family and suddenly the telephone is ringing, but it’s nothing important, it’s just another company to convince you to buy one of their products. It is a real . Lastly, sometimes you do not have the financial ability to buy something, but with these new methods of advertisement, you run to buy it, which affect your budget.

On the other hand, there are some good sides to advertising. For instance, it compares the prices of many companies which the consumer. Besides, it really see more products which we unless the TV or Radio advertised them. , it breaks our daily routine and allows us to see new faces and learn the language better with the help of the daily updates they deliver through .

In conclusion, as we can see there are many aspects to this . I feel that we gain no benefits at all from advertisement, it plays buy more things that they do not need it at all.

Your arguments are good and the paragraphs are set out well, however, you must be careful about making assertive statements, e.g. ‘ it motivates the psychological point in everyone’. How do you know that all advertisements do motivate every single person, for instance? Overall, this is a good essay, well done.

Advertisements or advertising. This needs to be a plural noun or a verb
others say it has a
You should not include this sentence in your essay
Try not to ask questions in your essay
what do you mean?
example of intrusive advertisement
gives us a chance to
would not have known about
In addition
with people’s minds to make them

IELTS Reading tips: True, False, Not Given

Every IELTS Reading test, no matter Academic or General has tasks of this kind. Lots of students tell me (and I agree) that this is a very confusing task.

For those who have no idea what I am talking about, I’ll explain – this task has a statement, and your job is to say whether or not it is True, False or Not Given according to the reading passage.

How do you “attack” this question type? First learn the rule:

  • If the statement clearly appears in the text – it is True
  • If the text clearly says the opposite of the statement – it is False
  • If you didn’t find the statement to be either True or False – it is Not Given
  • For example:
    “Smoking is dangerous and can lead to cancer” – T, F, NG

    1) If the text clearly says that “smoking is dangerous and leads to cancer” then the answer is T.

    2) If the text says that “No research showed evidence that smoking is dangerous and leads to cancer” then the answer is F.

    3) If the text says “The research included smokers of both genders of ages 30 to 45” and nothing else about smoking – your answer is NG.

    Don’t make these mistakes:

  • Don’t assume anything based on your knowledge and experience, read the text! It is the oldest trick in the book and they use it a lot in IELTS exams.
  • Don’t “overthink” your answer – you could start building long logical sequences that will lead you to the wrong answer.