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IELTS Report, topic: Table of home schooled students’ percentages

IELTS Report, topic: Table of home schooled students’ percentages

You are advised to spend a maximum of 20 minutes on this task.

The table below describes percentages of home schooled students in SomeCountry in 1999-2004. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown.

You should write at least 150 words.

Homeschooled table

This table shows students in Somecountry in years 1999-2004 in .

The main trend is that all grades including kindergarten growing every year. Kindergarten started 2.4 and ended highest at 2.9 percent with a constant increase. grades 1-2 and grades 5-6 a little different trend, both at 1,5 percent in 1999 and a little bit in 2000. Both of them increased slowly in 2002 and both that course to 2004 where grades 1-2 2,1 percent and grades 5-6 2.6 percent.

Grades 3-4 a slow but steady growth all six years. It at 1.6 percent in 1999 and 0.1 every year except in 2003 when it 0.2 percent. Grades 7-8 at 1.6 percent and there for three years until they rapidly rose up to 2.2 and peaked at 2.5 in 2004.

Overall, all grades including kindergarten has had a rise at minimum 1 percent or more in 6 years.

This is a good report; here is how you can make it better: the coherence needs improvement, meaning the logical connection between sentences inside a paragraph and between paragraphs. Use more connective words (Furthermore, However, etc).

The grouping you’ve done is fine, but try to use more variations describing those statistics: use words such as numbers, figures, percentages, etc. The grammar and the spelling need some extra attention.Overall, this report seems worthy of Band 7

Click here to see more IELTS reports of band 7

home schooled
remove ‘for’
with percentage of
Not quite similarly
increased by
peaked up at

IELTS Letter, topic: Personal, asking for the forgotten file

You stayed at your friends’ house when you participated in a business seminar in Australia. You left a file with important documents in your room. Write a letter to your friend, describing the file and ask him/her to return it to you by post.

My dearest Philip,

I am sorry I am writing only now. Firstly, I would like to thank you for all the attention and support you gave me while I was in Sydney. Things like that are priceless and I feel blessed to have you as my friend. I expect you and Ingrid to come to Rio soon, so that I try to somehow joyful moments as those you to me. I am also writing because of the fact that I forgot a very important document in the room where I stayed at your house.

The document is a signed contract and was the most important reason for my trip to Australia, after the business seminar I attended. You can imagine how desperate I have been in the last days looking for this document in my luggage. I could not find it anywhere and now I am sure I left it in your house.

Please let me know if you find it, and post it with express delivery as soon as possible. I will pay for the expense; just let me know your bank, account and branch numbers.

With best wishes,
