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Free reading samples (Academic Module)

IELTS exam in Philippines – October 2008 (General Training)

Here is what M. had in the recent IELTS exam in Philippines – thanks a lot, M!


The tasks were fill-in the blanks from 1-10, its a little bit easier, then there was a multiple choice task from 11-40 in a discussion about the planning for school enhancement. The speaker often corrected him/herself so better watch out! The speaking speed becomes more intense as it progresses.


There were matching information questions, the rest I can no longer remember but one thing is for sure, the challenge is the TIME and not the reading exam – so manage it carefully.


Writing task 1 (letter)
You are studying in a foreign country and for some reason you have to go back to your country without finishing college/study. Write a letter stating the appreciation to the teacher, reason for leaving, what you like about the course


The examiner asked about the types of weather in the Philippines; is biking/cycling good and is it safe in the city; what is the advantage of summer as compared to rainy season; and other questions related to weather in the country