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IELTS exam in Philippines – October 2008 (General Training)

IELTS exam in Philippines – October 2008 (General Training)

Thanks to our friend Martial from Philippines we have some information about the recent General Training IELTS exam – here it is:

Listening test

Tasks: fill-in the blanks from 1-10, its a little bit easy, then there were multiple choice questions from 11-40, discussion about the planning for the school enhancement.
The speaker was often correcting him/herself so better watch out! the speaking speed becomes more intense as it progresses.

Reading test

Tasks: there are matching type of questions, the rest I can no longer remember but one thing is for sure, the challenge is the TIME and not the Reading exam, so manage it carefully.

Writing test

Task 1 (Letter)
You are studying in a foreign country and for some reason you have to go back to your country without finishing college/study. Write a letter stating the appreciation to the teacher, reason for leaving, what you liked about the course.

Speaking test

The examiner asked me about the types of weather in the Philippines;
Is biking/cycling good and is it safe in the city;
What is the advantage of summer as compared to rainy season;
and other questions related to the weather in the country

IELTS Speaking Test questions

Here are some real speaking test questions that students from India were recently asked in their exams. More recent topics and questions are here.

Speaking test #1


– Is bicycle a good way to move around?
– Do you think that there should be a separate lane for bicycles?
– Why should a child have a bicycle?
– Are you working or a student?

Cue card

Describe a famous person, you should say:
– Who he/she is,
– Why he/she is famous,
– Whether or not you would like to meet him/her and why.


– Which qualities should a famous person have?
– Why does the young generation copy them?
– Who were the famous people 50 years ago and who will be famous in the next 50 years?
– Should they have personal life?
– If you had a chance to become famous what would be your attitude?

Speaking test #2


– What is your full name?
– What can I call you?
– Can I see your identification?
– What do people usually do on weekends in your country?
– What do you do on weekends?
– Did you think art is important in life, such as painting and sculptures?
– Did you draw anything when you were at school?
– Are there any art galleries or museums in your home town?

Cue card

Describe an animal you saw, which you find very interesting. You should say:
– Where you saw it,
– How you felt about it,
– Why you think it was interesting.


– What kind of animals do people have in their home?
– Tell me about an animal you saw which is very rare in your home town.
– Why do people have pets in their homes?
– Do you think people do not respect animals these days? What about 50 years ago?
– Earlier people used animals for their work. Now, what do people use to do their work?
– Researchers are being conducted on animals, is this a good idea?
– So many animals are extinct these days. What do you think about this? Why it is happening?

Speaking test #3


– Tell me about the recent changes in your home town.
– What is the meaning of your name?
– Why were you given this name?
– How may I address you?

Cue card

Describe the happiest recent event that you had.


– What moments make other people happy?
– What moments are happy for the elderly?
– Are rich people happy?

Speaking test #4


– What is your full name?
– How may I address you?
– Where are you living?
– How long have you been living there?
– What are the advantages of your home town?
– Is there any swimming pool?
– Have you been to any swimming pool anywhere?

Cue card

Describe a famous person in your country.


– Why do people want fame?
– How can a person become famous?
– What kind of people get inspiration from celebrities?
– What sort of people were famous in the past, 50 years ago?