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IELTS Letter, topic: Complaint about a rental car

IELTS Letter, topic: Complaint about a rental car

You rented a car from a Car Rental Company. The air conditioner has stopped working. You phoned the company a week ago but it still has not been repaired.

Write a letter to the company. In your letter
– introduce yourself
– explain the situation
– say what action you would like to company to take.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to complain about the air conditioner in my car, which I from your company for two weeks. Unfortunately, it has stopped working.

I rented 8 days ago. number is 1230. Actually, I was on my way from Jacksonville to Miami, although the atmosphere temperature was cooler, suddenly a sound came from the engine. At first, I thought that the engine belt broken and I not be able to drive the car . However, when I felt no air coming from the air conditioner, I realized it stopped working.

Naturally, when I got back home I immediately contacted your customer care center and registered my complaint. They issued me a complaint number 234343 and said that they will send a technician my house within business days to get it repaired. Almost one week has passed since I called, but still it is not being repaired.

I am not at all satisfied with your customer service. In case you can’t resolve my problem within 2 business days after the receipt of this letter, I want a complete refund of the car rental payment which I made in advance, $200.

Yours faithfully,
Hasnain Siraj

This is a good letter. It has the right structure, covers the task, the paragraphs are connected together by linking words and the sentences are well-structured. The grammar needs some attention, especially the prepositions and the way you use tenses (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band 6.5 – 7 letter.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 7

a Mercedes Benz
join this and the previous sentences together
what happened is when
any further
two to three (use words, not figures)
a total amount of

IELTS Letter, topic: a migrant writes a letter to a friend

You migrated to another country. Write a letter to your friend to describe your present life and tell him/her why you chose this country.

Dear Linda,

I’m sorry I haven’t been writing to you for such a long time. I am that I have migrated to Perth, Australia. My family and I arrived in Perth on the and we have finally settled down.

We migrated to Perth because my sisters and their families have also migrated there three years ago. We have planed to join them in Perth and also did this for the children’s education and their future as well.

We have just settled in our new house and the kids are enjoying the pool almost every day. They have been attending a public school and have made quite a lot of friends. The people here are very friendly and helpful. John has also found a job near the city. The working environment here according to John is very different from Malaysia. As for me, I am a full time housewife, enjoying the morning coffee with the newspaper.

Do let me know when you plan to visit Perth and you are always welcome to stay at my new house.

With love,

This is a good letter. It has the correct structure, the task is covered, the sentences are nicely built and it leaves a good impression because of the fluency of the language. See comments underlined in blue for minor corrections. Overall, this looks like a band 7 letter.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 7

Use less formal language (writing to let you know)
Use words, not figures (the third of April )