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Announcing the IELTS Success Formula Challenge

Announcing the IELTS Success Formula Challenge

If you plan to take the IELTS test in 2014 and you need a particularly good score because anything lower isn’t acceptable – then you’ll want to participate in the IELTS Success Formula Challenge.

What is the IELTS Success Formula Challenge?

It’s something that has never been done before.

We challenge all our readers to throw their absolute worst problems in IELTS preparation at us. If you are preparing for IELTS and you have the most pressing and urgent problem with any IELTS skill, a problem that makes you miserable, that you are desperate to solve but don’t know how to do it, join the IELTS Success Formula Challenge.

IELTS Success Formula AcademicHave you heard about IELTS Success Formula Academic, a new book that Stephen Slater and I (Simone Braverman) wrote together? As the title implies, this isn’t just an ordinary IELTS book. Yes, it’s a bold claim, but we are positive this book has The Formula for Success in IELTS. In fact, we stand behind this claim 100%.

So this Challenge is for you to give us your worst problems with IELTS preparation, and for us to show exactly how our new book solves them.

But that’s not all – there are prizes to win! Five participants will win a complete digital IELTS preparation package, consisting of IELTS Success Formula Academic and five full practice tests with answers.


Problems solved:

Day 1 – click here

Day 2 – click here

Day 3 – click here

Day 4 – click here

Day 5 – click here

Day 6 – click here

Day 7 – click here

Winners’ names are available here

How to enter the Challenge

Really simple – by telling us what your biggest problem with IELTS preparation is. Send us an email to, and include

1. A detailed description of your problem in at least 50 words (not just “I have a problem with listening/reading/writing/speaking” because that’s not enough).
2. For what purpose you are taking the IELTS test.
3. Your photo and the country you’re from.

What will happen next?

During the 2 weeks of Challenge we will be posting readers’ problems and solutions on so everyone can study them and use in their own preparation.

Every reader who enters the IELTS Success Formula Challenge will go in the draw to win a complete digital IELTS preparation package.

The Challenge will run for 2 weeks, from 2 June to 16 June (closing at midnight AEST), and the 5 winners will be announced on 18 June.

Fine print

– By participating in the Challenge you allow us to post your problem and photo on the blog.
– If you purchase a digital copy of IELTS Success Formula Academic during the Challenge (to avoid delaying your exam preparation) and subsequently win, your payment will be refunded, as you will be entitled to a free copy.
– Every person who sent a problem will go in the draw to win a free copy of IELTS Success Formula Academic, regardless of whether or not their problem was posted on the blog. Even if, due to limited time, we haven’t posted every single problem we received, everyone has a chance to win.

Good luck, and we are looking forward to receiving your emails!

IELTS Speaking test in Australia – May 2014

The Speaking questions below were shared by C who took the IELTS test in Australia:

Speaking testIELTS test in Australia


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What time of the day do you prefer to study? Why?
– Do you prefer to work in a silent place or a noisy place? Why?
– What kind of food do you like? Why?
– What kind of food were you eating as a child? Why?

Cue Card

Describe your first mobile device and how it changed your life. Please say

– What device was it?
– When did you get it?
– How did you feel after using it?


– Who gave that mobile to you? Why?
– Are mobile phones popular in your country? Why?
– Do young children use mobiles more in your country?
– Why is sending text messages from mobile phones so popular?
– Do you think the use of mobile devices will increase in the future?