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IELTS Speaking test in Australia – June 2014

IELTS Speaking test in Australia – June 2014

Thanks to A who took the IELTS test in Australia we can share her Speaking questions:

Speaking testIELTS test in Australia


– Where are you from?
– Can I see you ID?
– Are you working or studying?
– Which day of the week do you like the best? Why?
– Which day of the week do you like the least? Why?
– Given a chance, what daily task would you like to avoid?

Cue Card

Talk about a good law in your country. Please say

– What law is it?
– Why is it a good law?
– Who does the law affect?
– What would have happened without the law?


– Talk about the role of a police officer in your country.
– What is the criteria to be a good police officer?
– How about a lawyer?
– What job is more popular in your country, a policeman or a lawyer? Why?
– Do most people in your country abide the law?
– Do you think the law should be broken sometimes? If so, under what circumstances?

IELTS test in Canada – June 2014 (Academic Module)

Thanks to the IELTS test taker F we can share the following questions from a recent exam (F only remembered the Writing and Speaking)

Writing testIELTS test in Canada

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a flow chart that showed the manufacturing process of three types of tea.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some cultures value elderly people more, while other cultures value the youth more. Discuss both approaches and give your own opinion.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where are you living now?
– Do you like that place?
– Do you know any of your neighbours?
– Do you know them well?
– Is your neighbourhood suitable for children?
– Do you like street shopping?
– Why do you think people like street shopping?
– Is street shopping common in your country?
– Would you recommend that other countries develop street shopping?

Cue Card

Talk about a person who has a good job. Please say

– What does he/she do?
– Describe this person.
– How did he/she get this job?


– What jobs are considered desirable in your country? Why?
– Do you like your job? Why?