The truth is that we all make mistakes – because we are human. Some mistakes are harmless, once fixed we can forget about them, and other kind has consequences that affect our life for a long time. Mistakes in IELTS cost us a lot – in terms of money, time and the stress that we suffer.
I have written an article about 8 famous IELTS mistakes and how to avoid them and Kenneth Beare from has kindly published it here. As most of you know, I have been running IELTS-Blog for years now and lots of students write and tell me what went wrong with their IELTS exam. Using that information I have put together a list of most common, really bad mistakes and you can find it in that article. Check it out, read carefully and stay away from those pitfalls.
If you were ever wondering, whether a longer essay will score higher than a shorter one, or whether your accent will get you penalized, the answers are in the article.
Good luck with your exam!