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Prepare for IELTS on your own,

but never alone

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Simone Braverman, Founder @


How you can prepare for IELTS at home

You CAN prepare for IELTS at home, take the test and get a high score, by using the right tools in your exam preparation.

Academic IELTS

If you are studying for the Academic IELTS test, the book ‘Target Band 7’ will teach you the strategies and techniques to help you solve IELTS tasks faster and avoid mistakes, maximising your score.

Target Band 7 is now available for download worldwide. View this special offer and get it at the discounted price. Look inside the book on Google books – or download a free trial here.

General Training IELTS

Worried about your General IELTS exam? Don’t be.The book ‘Ace the IELTS’ will help you become a blazing fast and super accurate exam-taking machine.

This special offer makes “Ace The IELTS” book affordable for everyone! Take a look inside – read it on Google books or download a free trial copy here.

Writing Correction

Problems with the IELTS Writing test? We can help: IELTS-Blog users get their tasks marked for the best online price by a team of experienced IELTS teachers, including an approximate Band Score, feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Learn how to submit your writing tasks

Speaking Assessment

Need to raise your Speaking score? Our examiners will tell you how! Take a Speaking test online and you will get a complete assessment report with suggestions how to take your score to the next level.

Learn how to take our Speaking test online



When our users get their dream score in IELTS, it is the best feeling in the world! We love it just as much as they do. Let us help – and this will happen for you, too:

“I took the IELTS test in September. My overall band score was 7.0! IELTS-Blog helped me a lot throughout the journey and I will always be grateful.”

Sayeed A.


“I practiced for the Academic IELTS module on IELTS-Blog and received my result last week. Listening 9, Reading 9, Speaking 8.5, Writing 7, Overall 8.5. Thank you so much for creating such an awesome blog. I am really grateful to you, guys.”

Heeru A.


“I would like to say thank you for all the tips that you shared. I got my IELTS result with overall band score of 7, with 7 in each test! Thank you for all your help.”

Charles B.


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What kind of test is IELTS?

IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an exam intended for non-native English speakers. Its purpose is to find out what your level of English is (your result is a band score between 0 and 9). Usually you need to take the IELTS test if you are applying for a job or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking country, or if you are immigrating to such country. There are 2 modules of the IELTS test – Academic and General Training. The Academic Module is one that future students take and the General Training Module is for ​people who intend to ​live and work in another country. You can take IELTS on paper or on a computer.

The IELTS test formalities

When it becomes clear to you that you need to take the IELTS test, you’ll have to go through some formalities – which are:

  1. Call your local IELTS test centre or go online and find out the dates when you can take an IELTS exam and how much it costs. Note: the dates could be different for the Academic and General IELTS exams.
  2. Register and pay online or download and print the application form, fill your details, enclose a copy of your identification and, of course, the payment and send it to your local IELTS centre.
  3. Make sure they received it and allocated a seat for you on the date you have chosen.

Learn more about the IELTS exam – techniques, tips and secrets here
Get more IELTS preparation tips and advice here.

How is IELTS structured?

The IELTS test consists of four parts:

  • Listening test
  • Reading Test
  • Writing Test
  • Speaking Test

The Listening test takes about 40 minutes – 30 minutes to listen to a recording and to answer questions on what you hear, and 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet (if you are taking the paper-based test). In a computer-delivered IELTS you will get 2 minutes to check your answers, which you would have already typed in the gaps.

The Reading test takes 1 hour and your task is to read passages of text and answer questions according to what you have read. There are several types of tasks you may need to do, and we cover them on this website.

The Writing test also takes 1 hour and is divided into 2 parts: you are given 20 minutes to write a letter/report and 40 minutes to write an essay.

The Speaking test takes up to 15 minutes and consists of 3 parts: an Interview where the examiner asks some questions about yourself, a Cue Card talk where you are the only one talking, and a two-way Discussion with the examiner.

Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done one after another, and only before the Speaking test you get a break. Sometimes the Speaking test is even held on a different day.


Trusted Source has been around for a very long time. This website is visited by millions every year and since 2005 helped countless test takers achieve success in IELTS.


Latest News is constantly updated. We post the latest IELTS questions, exam tips, sample tasks, practice tests and more. Here are the most recent articles:

New IELTS Speaking questions from Taiwan – July 2024

Our student from Taiwan took IELTS a few days ago and was asked these questions in her Speaking test…

Recent IELTS Test Questions + Topics Worldwide, 2023 and 2024

Welcome to our new latest IELTS exam questions page! Here you will find the most recent IELTS questi…

New IELTS questions from Australia – July 2024 (Academic Module)

Our generous student has shared the writing questions from his recent test in Australia: Writing tes…

436 thoughts on “Welcome to IELTS-blog!”

  1. Hi Manpreet, without discouraging you I have to be honest, 2 weeks may not be enough to raise your score to Band 8. Reading your comment I can see some spelling and grammatical errors, Band 8 candidates need to be good at grammar and spelling. This book can help you raise your level to Band 8 – but it will take more than 2 weeks. If you can, consider postponing your exam date to allow you to study the book first, and once you are scoring Band 8 at home reliably doing practice tests under exam conditions, you can book a real test.

  2. hello sir..I had written ielts exam several times and Iam stucked with my writing.Iam very much worried and sometimes I doubt about the test reliability.what will I do to improve my writing score

  3. Helllo sir I’m facing problem of emails I’m not getting emails of recent exams from twice month

  4. Hi Gurvinder, check your Spam folder and if you see our emails there, please mark them as Not Spam. Alternatively, subscribe through a more reliable email provider such as Gmail – our newsletters are delivered to Gmail users without an issue.

  5. Hi Simone!
    I scored 6.5 band overall but I need to score 7.5 and band 8in listening. Request you to please suggest the path and material for IELTS retake. Thank you

  6. Hye,
    I am looking for essay corrections.If I send 8 tasks together will I get them corrected in three days Please Explain and one more question,are you an Ex-Ielts examiner.

  7. HI I recently took the IELTS advanced test. The first time I was not satisfied with my writing results but didn’t get it remarked. The second time I received a 6.5 in speaking. (I am Canadian) I have perfect English. So I got it remarked and received an 8.5. How is a difference that big possible? I would advise Everyone who is not satisfied with their results and takes the exam in Bulgaria to get an EOR. Clearly they’re failing people on purpose or just don’t know English.

  8. Hi Shaheen, thanks for your comment – yes, you can send 8 essays in one day, and get them back corrected 3 days later. Just make sure each essay goes to us in a separate email message – but we will send you detailed instructions how to submit them, so don’t worry. The IELTS teachers checking essays on our writing correction team have a great deal of experience, they would have checked thousands of tasks, you can trust them with checking yours.

  9. Hi
    I would like to know…if I apply for reevaluation…is there any chance of getting lower score than the existing one. What is fee for ….they charge for per paper or same for any no of papers.

  10. Hi, after purchase the IELTS success forma thinking that I could print it, I discovered that the format ia totally incompatible with any other sistem but kindle. What do I need to do in order to print it? I really like the book, but I think it would be more useful for me in a phisic format. Kind regards and thanks.

  11. Hi Fabilola, I am guessing you purchased the Kindle edition of IELTS Success Formula on Amazon. If you can forward your receipt to us, we will be happy to send you a download link to the book in PDF format which you can easily print. Just email us to and either me or another IELTS support team member will be happy to help.

  12. Hi can u help me for ielts preparation for general test,bcos i hav never done,what should i learn for general.

  13. Hi Jamyang, if you sign up to our daily IELTS emails (enter your name and email address at the top of this page) we will start sending you detailed info how you can prepare for the exam, on your own, in the privacy of your home.

  14. Can you give sample question answer for speaking whatever asked in past kelta exams in different countries?

  15. Hi Aashin, we added you manually to our subscribers list, you would have received an activation email – can you please click on the link in it, to start your free subscription.

  16. I am unable to score more than 6.5 bands in my writing test of general paper.. please give me some tips and sample essays that will help me in this regard

  17. I am not quite happy with my IELTS results and would like to apply for revaluation. Is there a chance that my marks get actually decreased if I file a EOR form?

  18. Hi Tammy, yes there is a chance your score can go down, just as well as go up or remain unchanged. What you can do is ask to remark only the sub-test(s) you’re not happy with (Listening, Reading, Writing or Speaking). Assuming the current scores in those sub-tests don’t help you and you’d have to retake the test if remarking doesn’t increase your score, it seems you have nothing to lose, right?

  19. Hello..
    I have the one book…
    Practice tests for ielts
    Set 1+2+3(15 tests) general training
    Plz any body have these books listening audio… I have book but don’t found audio…

  20. Hi Simone
    I am trying to study for IELTS but my grammar isn’t better and I have not a lot of synonym words.If I want to speak or write something,I can get only one sentence to say or write.

  21. Hi Karan, I recommend that you send your writing to our teachers, to get their feedback and suggestions what you need to improve to get a higher score. Visit this page to choose a writing correction package, make a payment and start emailing your essays to our teachers. They will mark them and return to you, with feedback and an estimated IELTS score.

  22. Hi Simone,

    I’ve just come across your website this morning. I sit an Academic IELTS exam 10 years ago and got 6.5. This time I am aiming for an General Training IELTS score of 8.5. If I buy your book and find it unhelpful, please tell me what is the return process?
    I’m very sorry if my question make you feel uncomfortable.

    Thank you for your time,

  23. Hi Khanh, this is a totally reasonable question, and a very good one to ask! If you find that any of our books or practice tests aren’t right for you, for any reason, just email us to let us know, and your money will be refunded straight away. I must say this very rarely happens – but in case you don’t benefit from our materials, we would never keep your money.

  24. Dear Sir,
    Hope you are doing well.

    I need overall 7 and 6.5 in each.

    I scored 6.5 in speaking, 6 in writing, and 5 in reading and listening as well. Please let me know how to improve reading section.

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