How you can prepare for IELTS at home
You CAN prepare for IELTS at home, take the test and get a high score, by using the right tools in your exam preparation.
Academic IELTS
If you are studying for the Academic IELTS test, the book ‘Target Band 7’ will teach you the strategies and techniques to help you solve IELTS tasks faster and avoid mistakes, maximising your score.
Target Band 7 is now available for download worldwide. View this special offer and get it at the discounted price. Look inside the book on Google books – or download a free trial here.
General Training IELTS
Worried about your General IELTS exam? Don’t be.The book ‘Ace the IELTS’ will help you become a blazing fast and super accurate exam-taking machine.
This special offer makes “Ace The IELTS” book affordable for everyone! Take a look inside – read it on Google books or download a free trial copy here.
Writing Correction
Problems with the IELTS Writing test? We can help: IELTS-Blog users get their tasks marked for the best online price by a team of experienced IELTS teachers, including an approximate Band Score, feedback and suggestions for improvement.
Speaking Assessment
Need to raise your Speaking score? Our examiners will tell you how! Take a Speaking test online and you will get a complete assessment report with suggestions how to take your score to the next level.
When our users get their dream score in IELTS, it is the best feeling in the world! We love it just as much as they do. Let us help – and this will happen for you, too:
“I took the IELTS test in September. My overall band score was 7.0! IELTS-Blog helped me a lot throughout the journey and I will always be grateful.”
Sayeed A.
“I practiced for the Academic IELTS module on IELTS-Blog and received my result last week. Listening 9, Reading 9, Speaking 8.5, Writing 7, Overall 8.5. Thank you so much for creating such an awesome blog. I am really grateful to you, guys.”
Heeru A.
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What kind of test is IELTS?
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It is an exam intended for non-native English speakers. Its purpose is to find out what your level of English is (your result is a band score between 0 and 9). Usually you need to take the IELTS test if you are applying for a job or to study in a college or university in an English-speaking country, or if you are immigrating to such country. There are 2 modules of the IELTS test – Academic and General Training. The Academic Module is one that future students take and the General Training Module is for people who intend to live and work in another country. You can take IELTS on paper or on a computer.
The IELTS test formalities
When it becomes clear to you that you need to take the IELTS test, you’ll have to go through some formalities – which are:
- Call your local IELTS test centre or go online and find out the dates when you can take an IELTS exam and how much it costs. Note: the dates could be different for the Academic and General IELTS exams.
- Register and pay online or download and print the application form, fill your details, enclose a copy of your identification and, of course, the payment and send it to your local IELTS centre.
- Make sure they received it and allocated a seat for you on the date you have chosen.
Learn more about the IELTS exam – techniques, tips and secrets here
Get more IELTS preparation tips and advice here.
How is IELTS structured?
The IELTS test consists of four parts:
- Listening test
- Reading Test
- Writing Test
- Speaking Test
The Listening test takes about 40 minutes – 30 minutes to listen to a recording and to answer questions on what you hear, and 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the Answer Sheet (if you are taking the paper-based test). In a computer-delivered IELTS you will get 2 minutes to check your answers, which you would have already typed in the gaps.
The Reading test takes 1 hour and your task is to read passages of text and answer questions according to what you have read. There are several types of tasks you may need to do, and we cover them on this website.
The Writing test also takes 1 hour and is divided into 2 parts: you are given 20 minutes to write a letter/report and 40 minutes to write an essay.
The Speaking test takes up to 15 minutes and consists of 3 parts: an Interview where the examiner asks some questions about yourself, a Cue Card talk where you are the only one talking, and a two-way Discussion with the examiner.
Listening, Reading and Writing tests are done one after another, and only before the Speaking test you get a break. Sometimes the Speaking test is even held on a different day.
Trusted Source has been around for a very long time. This website is visited by millions every year and since 2005 helped countless test takers achieve success in IELTS.
Latest News is constantly updated. We post the latest IELTS questions, exam tips, sample tasks, practice tests and more. Here are the most recent articles:
Recent IELTS Test Questions + Topics Worldwide, 2024 and 2025
Welcome to our new latest IELTS exam questions page! Here you will find the most recent IELTS questi…
Recent IELTS Speaking questions from India – March 2025
Our student MB has just taken his IELTS exam in India and couldn’t wait to share his Speaking …
Recent IELTS Speaking questions from the UK – March 2025
Thanks to the lovely S.L, today we are sharing the Speaking questions from her recent IELTS exam in …
hi IELTS-Blog!
i am meesh.
good thing i found this website!
i am doing a self review and i am kinda mixed up when it comes to what books am i going to study..
may you please recommend a good books? for me to study in a month..
i am soo looking forward for your reply.
thank you so much!
Hi Meesh,
I can actually recommend a good book (which I wrote especially for people to prepare in as little as 3 weeks). Have a look at Target band 7 here, you can download a free trial version and decide whether you like it or not. People are telling me it does wonders for their IELTS score.
i read your article above ielts topic its clear and giving guidence for the students those who want to learn the ielts. Great guidence you are furnishing in your website.
Your Sincerely,
Could someone tell me how useful will be my TOEFL study for taking IELTS? Should I take full course of study or I may skip some parts?
I do really love this blog. it has a lot of iellts stuffs for anyone who r preparing for the test! Special Thanks 4 Simone
Really appreciate all the great iellts information. Thanks.
I really wanted to comment on the post about the dangers of relying on internet information. As fabulous as it is (“the world’s biggest library at our fingertips”), it’s difficult to know if some item you’ve found is the current best understanding on the topic. You cant go by the copyright date at the bottom of the screen as that may be controlled by a script that auto-updates each year.
Well in this website you can rely on the dates – they are in the titles of the posts and are never changed by any automatic software. I hope it reassures you.
I really love this Blog and I recommend every one who is taking IELTS exam must read and make a habit to visit this site. I bought the book “Ace the IELTS” just couple week before the exam and I read only once. I did excellent in my Exam.
Thanks Simone
Thank you for sharing! I’m glad the book helped and that your exam was a success.
This is a good website
Firs I’d like to thank you for your existence 🙂 unfortunately i failed at my first IELTS exam but without you it would have been a lot worse.
And second i have a question, I really suck at essay writing, and there is nothing I can do about it 🙁
The help of private professionals is really good but kind of expensive, that can you recommend, cos I’m really desperate.
Hi Dager,
What private professionals do you mean, and what do they charge to check your work?
thank for sharing information
I wrote my ielts test last year i was quite disappointed with my writing section i got only 6.5 howeevr my target was minimum of 7 and still i am not confident about it but i have to write the test as soon as possible and score indivisual 7 in all 4 of them which is not as easy as we say!!!i want to knoe if i sent my essay for correction with you guys does it count as task 1 n task 2 as 1 or as a different ??n wat about the task questionaires do you provide us or do we have to manage with the other provided in the website.
i would be very grateful to you if you help me solve my quiery?
thanxs a lot xx.
Hi Sibyl, our teachers will be happy to help you. Every task, an essay or a letter or a report is counted as one task, and we do send out task questions for people to practice on. I hope this helps, send us an email if you have any questions.
– Simone
The IELTS can be difficult for some and this information on your site is very helpful. I have read many other sites that are free and that is where I would direct my time on, I would never pay for it since there are a ton of resources online.
Iam very happy because I get band 7.5 inmy first attempts, and I am very delighted for it. thank you for everybody who helped me to tackle this problrm. IELTS blog is very excellent site. I never attend in any class, I just use books and videos from library and sites.
I wrote my ielts test last year i was quite disappointed with my writing section i got only 6.5 howeevr my target was minimum of 7 and still i am not confident about it but i have to write the test as soon as possible and score indivisual 7 in all 4 of them which is not as easy as we say!!!i want to knoe if i sent my essay for correction with you guys does it count as task 1 n task 2 as 1 or as a different ??n wat about the task questionaires do you provide us or do we have to manage with the other provided in the website.
i would be very grateful to you if you help me solve my quiery?
Hi there, thanks for your comment, english-test. We count task 1 and task 2 as 2 separate tasks, and yes you do get lots of topics to practice on when you sign up to use our writing correction service.
hi all. i given my ielts exam yesterday, i hope to get good score, ielts target band 7 buk helped a lot.
Thank you for sharing iellts information. I really need this
Starting trial tomorrow! Thanks for the chance to evaluate the book for free!
I have no much knowledge about IELTS. I have master degree and i am proficient in English speaking and reading. But not proficient in writing. I want to Increase my writing skills. How it is possible?
Hi iftijafar, you should receive an email from us soon with the answer. Won’t be long.
Hello all Specially “IELTS-BLOG”,
I want to get IELTS minimum 8 Bands but I am from non english country, so I am feeling maybe due to grammer/spelling mistakes as well as axcent I am fail to get. I need your guidlines what to do & how to do????
I didnt correct my mistakes by spell check, because you get to know my level of english.
I have tomuch time to appear in exams but I want ASAP.
Please help me.
Ali Mukhtar
Hi Ali,
we’re sending you an email with suggestions on how to study. You’ll receive it shortly.
Hi I did the IELTS on 17th November and scored 7-Reading, 8.5-Listening, 8-Speaking, 8-Writing. I needed perfect 8s in all the sections. Will a re-mark improve the 7 because I’m wondering why it’s the only 7 yet reading is relatively simpler than the rest
Sorry to tell you this, but the chance re-marking will improve the reading score is not big. Writing and Speaking are sort of subjective skills and sometimes it will help to get the work re-marked by another examiner. Reading and Listening are clerically marked, there is no examiner’s judgement involved – the answer is ether correct or it’s not.
Hi folks! I´ve just received my academic test score. I got an overall score of 7, which I must say it´s great for me. Well, thanks to all your contributions!!
Hello Simone,
First I would like to say thank you for this great website and the book Target Band 7. I used it intensively and my first attempt was over all-7 (7L, 7R, 7W, 7.5S), while second time improved to 7.5 (8L, 8R, 6.5W, 7.5S). As you can see, for the second time although overall score was higher, writing was reduced to 6.5 which is quite minimum. My question is which result I shall submit to university application. Even though the first result is lower, it shows evenly over 7 in all sections, which may give a better impression than having writing 6.5 even other sections resulted in better scores. Some schools require 7 in each section, so there is no question, but question remains for those requiring only overall 6.5. Thank you for your advices.
Hi Malgretout,
Congratulations on getting these excellent scores!
In regard to your question, I think you should send the score that meets the university requirements.
Some places rule out 6.5 and in that case you should send the result where you have 7+ in all skills.
Well done! Good luck with your application.
Hi Gustavo,
Great result! Congratulations. I am happy was able to help.
Dear Admin, How can I submit a sample of writing in the blog
Thank you for the job that you do for IELTS students. The book you published is really useful!
It would be great if you post several IELTS Speaking model answers with different bands.
Hi Dmitry,
as a matter of fact we do have what you’re looking for – go here to listen to speaking samples and see what teachers say:
Hi there
Please tell how i can submit a sample of essay
Thank you in advance
i want to get a clarification on Point System on Age.
Now im 32 years and 2 months.
So how much i get under age category ?
is it 30 or 25 ?
please help me . thanks in advance
I have few queries if anyone can help:
Does striking words or subscripting/superscriting while reviewing writing task 1 or task 2 attracts penalty?It would be great help if some one can suggest me how self review of writing Task 2 to be done? how can the mistakes be corrected while final review?
Thanks in advance 🙂
I have few queries related to writing task if you can help:
> Does striking words or subscripting/superscriting while reviewing
> writing task 1 or task 2 attracts penalty?It would be great help if
> some one can suggest me how self review of writing Task 2 to be done?
> how can the mistakes be corrected while final review?
> Thanks in advance 🙂
I have been following this website for quite a while. This blog has definitely helped me in my preparation for the exam.I have recently given my Ielts academic test in Australia.
They have given two pie charts, they represent the different kinds of energy produced in the years 1983 and 2003.
Task 2
Some people believe that trade and cultural relationship between the counties is development. While others think opposite.
Please explain both the views and your opinion.
Do you stay in a apartment or a house?
Which is the favourite room in your house?
Are you planning to move house in the future?
Cue card: Talk about your childhood friend
Do you think children need friends?
Is it good to have multicultural friend for a child, in what way?
Explain the advantages of using technology for teenagers?
Thank you Amuktha! Your update will help all our readers prepare for IELTS better. Hope you get a great IELTS score in your exam!
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thank you
Plz help me my writing is so weak I want to get good score in ielts n i am so nervous about exam
Hi Sajina, sorry to hear you’re nervous about the exam, but it’s completely normal – everyone is. The best medicine to cure that feeling is to prepare well and feel in control of the exam material. If your writing isn’t good enough now to get the score you need, you can use the most recent writing topics we post daily on our website. Train to quickly come up with ideas on what to write about for each topic, and train to write according to IELTS format (read more about that here). If you need someone to check your writing, we have a team of experienced IELTS teachers to help you.
I have already subscribed your website but I hove not received any email regarding ilets material
Hii, am manpreet
My exam date is 25th august nd i want some suggestions, how i scored 8 bands in writing as well as speaking. Plzzz help me.. I have alot of problems in that modules. Thanks
Hi Surinder, we can see your subscription is active and you received and opened two of our emails. You can expect an email from us every weekday, and it may include IELTS questions, materials, resources, tips or sample answers.