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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS test in Iran – December 2013 (Academic Module)

An IELTS test taker from Iran (thanks, N!) shared these topics and questions from a recent exam:

Listening testIELTS test in Iran

Section 1. A conversation between a job seeker and an employer about a fruit picking job.

Section 2. About various types of ongoing theatrical plays.

Section 3. A conversation between a student and tutor about an ancient language.

Section 4. A teacher was guiding students about facilities available on campus.

Reading test

Passage 1. About two successful companies and their strategies regarding customers and employees.

Passage 2. About similarities of human beings and chimpanzees.

Passage 3. Judgment of people based on their appearance.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a chart showing different ways of waste disposal during 6 years in one European country.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

In some countries it is illegal to reject candidates for a job based on their ages. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of this and give your own opinion.

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live?
– Is it an apartment or a house?
– What is your favorite room there?
– Who was choosing your clothes when you were a child?
– What kind of clothes do you wear now?
– What aspect is important for you when choosing clothes?
– Do you help others to choose clothes?
– When did you start using a mobile phone?
– When do you usually turn your mobile phone off? Why?

Cue Card

Describe an outdoor activity that you haven’t done yet and would like to do in the future. Please say

– What activity is it?
– When and where would you like to do it?
– What special skills or equipment would you need?


– Do you think it would be expensive?
– What are the beneficial effects of physical activity, in general?
– Do you think today we are less physically active than in the past? Why?
– Do you think we should only blame technology for that?
– Why do some people like doing dangerous activities like parachuting?
– In your opinion, why is there an increased interest in these activities compared to the past?

IELTS Speaking test in the UK – December 2013

Our friend A from the UK shared these IELTS Speaking topics from a recent exam (the additional cue card is what A’s friend had).

Speaking testIELTS test in the UK


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What is the meaning of your name?
– Is there any traditions to name babies in a particular way in your culture?
– Did you stress out recently?
– What was the reason?
– What makes you feel stressed usually?
– Where do you live?
– Describe your apartment.
– Which room is your favourite?
– Do you plan to move from this apartment?

Cue Card 1

Describe a place (such as a hospital, school, office) that you know well. Please say

– What place is it?
– Where is it?
– What did you do there?

Cue Card 2

Talk about a successful family business you know. Please say

– What is it?
– Where is it located?
– Why do you think it is successful?


– What are the main facilities you need to work in a hospital?
– Does a big building make you happy at work?
– Does workplace affect your personal life?
– Do you think people work longer hours nowadays? Why?
– Do you think big buildings cause environmental damage?
– How can you compensate for environmental damage?