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IELTS Speaking test in Pakistan – October 2023

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Pakistan October 2023

Our kind friend MJ took IELTS in Pakistan earlier this week and remembered the following questions from the Speaking test.

Preparation Tip: Do a practice session where you answer all of these questions and record yourself. If you don’t have enough ideas for questions on a particular topic, research it and write down some vocabulary words and how to use them in a sentence.

After recording your answers, listen to them and look for fluency (frequent pausing, self-correction, hesitation) or pronunciation problems. Then re-record the questions you’re not happy with, and this time try to sound more fluent and pronounce the words better. Submit your recording for assessment and learn how to score higher.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– What do you like about your hometown?
– Let’s talk about movies.
– What kind of movies do you like?
– Did you go to the cinema often when you were a child?
– What kind of movies did you watch as a child?
– Let’s talk about clothes.
– Do you think much while choosing the clothes you’re going to wear?
– Do you buy new clothes often?
– What do you do with your old clothes?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a person who has learnt your language. You should say

– who the person is
– when he/she learnt your language
– where he/she learnt your language

and explain how you feel about what this person has done.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– How is language learning now different from the past?
– Do you think that language learning apps and online resources have made it easier for people to learn languages nowadays?
– Are there any cultural or social advantages to speaking more than one language? What are they?
– In what grade in your country do children start learning English in school?
– What role do schools play in teaching languages to children?
– How can we make language learning fun for kids?
– In what ways do children learn languages differently from adults?

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Describe a job that you think is interesting

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here is a Band 9 Speaking Part 2 answer for the cue card “Describe a job that you think is interesting”. This cue card has been seen recently in many test centres around the world. The answer below shows a good way to respond to this question.

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answer below:

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a job that you think is interesting. You should say

– what job it is
– what skills are required for this job
– why you find this job interesting

and explain whether you would consider pursuing this job in the future.


I’d like to talk about the job of a travel blogger. You know, those folks who travel to different places, try out all sorts of food, and then share their experiences online.

Now, to be a good travel blogger, you need a mix of skills. First off, you’ve got to be a decent writer because you’re basically telling stories about your adventures. Good photography skills are a must too because people love to see what you’re experiencing. Being tech-savvy helps because you’ll be managing websites and social media.

What I find super interesting about this job is the sense of adventure. Imagine getting paid to explore new cities, try exotic foods, and meet interesting people. It’s like a never-ending vacation, but with a purpose! Plus, you get to share your passion with others and inspire them to travel and experience new things.

The idea of having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world also appeals to me. It’s not your typical 9-to-5 gig. You’re your own boss, and you set your own schedule.

As for whether I’d consider pursuing this job in the future, I’d say it’s a dream for many, but it’s not without challenges. It can be tough to establish yourself in such a competitive field, and it takes time to build an audience. Right now, I have other career goals, but who knows? Maybe one day, I’ll dip my toes into travel blogging as a side hustle.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website