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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS test in Egypt – September 2023 (General Training)

IELTS General Training Latest Questions Egypt September 2023

Our friend HK from Egypt reported the following Writing and Speaking questions from her recent exam.

Use them to practice for your upcoming IELTS test and never run out of answers!

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You have recently bought a magazine and its manager asked the readers for their opinions regarding the magazine. Write a letter to the manager. In your letter,

– Give a reason why you chose this magazine
– Explain what you like and dislike about it
– Say what improvement you hope to see in the future.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

These days many people prefer to work longer hours and spend less time at home. Are there more advantages than disadvantages to this trend?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your name?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you like about your work the most?
– How many hours do you spend at work?
– Is it easy for you to focus in noisy places?
– What helps you concentrate better?
– Did you study foreign languages in school?
– What language would you like to study in the future?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a happy event that you remember from the past. You should say

– what it was
– when it happened
– who was there with you

and explain why you remember this event.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What makes an adult remember an event from their childhood?
– What are the most important events remembered by the children when they grow up?
– What makes a good memory?
– Is having a good memory important?
– In what circumstances can having a good memory be a disadvantage?
– What important things should people memorise?

IELTS Speaking questions with model answers: Studies, T-shirts, Companies, Being Late & Time Management

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

In today’s post we are covering IELTS Speaking questions and answers on the topics of Studies, T-shirts, Companies, Being Late & Time Management. The questions were shared by a student who took IELTS in Iran. The answers below show a good way to respond to these questions.

NEW! In this podcast episode you can watch the video and LISTEN to all the questions and answers. It’s great to improve your pronunciation, intonation and overall fluency!

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answers below:


Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview) Questions & Answers

1. Do you study or work?

I’m currently studying computer science at university. It’s a fascinating field that is all about understanding how computers work, designing algorithms, and developing software. It covers a wide range of topics such as programming languages, data structures, artificial intelligence, and computer networks.

2. Why did you choose to study this particular subject?

This wasn’t a random decision. It was a result of careful consideration and introspection. From a young age, I had a keen interest in technology and its impact on society. I was always fascinated by the possibilities that computers and software could bring. Moreover, as I grew older, I recognised the abundance of career opportunities and the high demand for skilled professionals in this domain.

3. Do you like wearing T-shirts?

Yes, I definitely enjoy wearing T-shirts! They are versatile, comfortable, and suitable for various occasions. T-shirts designs are literally endless, and their colours and patterns allow me to express my personal style. Whether I’m going for a casual outing with friends or attending a relaxed event, a well-fitting T-shirt is always a reliable and fashionable choice.

4. How often do you wear them?

I wear T-shirts quite often, especially during my leisure time or when the weather is warm. They’ve become an integral part of my wardrobe. On a typical day, when I’m attending university classes or doing activities that don’t require formal attire, you will usually find me wearing a comfortable T-shirt. It’s my go-to option that offers both comfort and style.

5. Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?

I believe that supporting both big companies and small businesses is important, as they each have their own advantages. Big companies often offer a wide range of products and services, and they provide competitive prices. On the other hand, small businesses contribute to local economies and provide unique and personalised experiences. They often have a strong connection with their customers and offer specialised products or services that may not be available from larger corporations.

6. Have you ever worked in a small business before?

Yes, I’ve had the valuable experience of working in a small business during my summer break. I joined a local boutique that specialised in handmade accessories. It was an incredible opportunity to witness firsthand the dedication and passion that goes into running a small business. I worked closely with the owner and was involved in various aspects of the business.

7. Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

The idea has always intrigued me. I believe that entrepreneurship offers a unique avenue to pursue your passions and create something of value. Although I’m currently focused on my studies, I often find myself brainstorming ideas and envisioning potential ventures that align with my interests and skills.

Part 2 (Cue Card) Question & Answer

Describe a time when you were late. You should say

– when it was
– what you were late for
– why you were late

and explain how you felt about it.


I generally try to be punctual but sometimes it happens that I am late to appointments. The time I vividly remember happened last year, when I had an important job interview scheduled for 10:00 AM. I had been preparing for this interview for weeks and was determined to make a good impression. However, on that day, everything seemed to go wrong.

I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, which made it challenging for me to get ready quickly. To make things worse there was unexpected traffic on my way to the interview location. It was frustrating to see the minutes ticking away while I was stuck in a long line of cars.

Despite my best efforts, I ended up arriving nearly 15 minutes late. I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me as I hurriedly entered the building. Once I finally found the interview room, I sincerely apologised for my tardiness and explained the reasons for it. Fortunately, the interviewers were understanding and empathetic. Despite my late arrival, the interview proceeded, and I was able to showcase my skills and qualifications.

Reflecting on the experience, I felt a mixture of regret and relief. I regretted not being more proactive and not anticipating the potential obstacles that could have caused delays. I was really beating myself up for not leaving home earlier or checking traffic conditions! However, I was relieved that the interviewers were so understanding and still allowed me the opportunity to present myself.

Part 3 (Discussion) Questions & Answers

1. Are you good at managing your time?

I would say that I’ve developed decent time management skills over the years, but it’s definitely an ongoing process. Like most people, I sometimes do find myself facing time constraints and struggling to prioritise tasks effectively. However, I make a conscious effort to plan ahead to ensure that I stay on track and meet deadlines.

2. Do people in your country think that being on time is important?

Yes, it’s generally considered important in my country. Punctuality is valued and seen as a sign of respect. Whether it’s attending social gatherings, or even everyday appointments, people here tend to place emphasis on arriving on time.

3. How can people manage their time, especially when dealing with multiple tasks or responsibilities?

I think that prioritising your goals and focusing on the most crucial activities first is important. Also, I find that creating a schedule or a to-do list helps me to break down my activities into smaller manageable tasks.

4. How can poor time management skills affect someone’s personal and professional life?

Well, in personal life this can lead to increased stress levels, and strained relationships, because poor time management can leave you feeling constantly overwhelmed. Rushing to complete tasks can affect people’s mental well-being and overall quality of life. Professionally, poor time management can reduce productivity, and hinder career growth. When deadlines are consistently missed or work is incomplete, it reflects poorly on one’s professionalism and reliability.

5. Do you think time management is a skill that can be learned and improved? Why or why not?

It’s definitely a skill that can be learned and improved with practice, self-awareness, and by adopting effective strategies. By consciously implementing time management techniques, people can gradually develop better control over their time and master a skill that will serve them for life.

6. Can technology help with time management? In what way?

Yes, I do believe that technology can play a significant role in assisting with time management. In today’s digital age, there are numerous tools and apps available that can help us stay organised, track our tasks, and optimise our time.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website