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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS test in India and Pakistan – June 2016 (General Training)

Two IELTS test takers from India and Pakistan remembered the following details about their recent exams:

Listening testIELTS test in India

Section 1. A conversation between a student and local resident who was surveyed.

Section 2. A talk about different football players and their achievements.

Section 3. A conversation about some research and its comparison with previous ones.

Section 4. A research into honeybees’ migration and hibernation.

Reading test

Passage 1. An article about an Auckland library.

Passage 2. About ergonomic chairs.

Passage 3. An article about camp farms.

Passage 4. A text about pepper cultivation and production.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

You recently discovered that there are plans to build a new airport in your area and you are not happy with it. Write a letter to the local authority and say:

– How did you get to know about the plans?
– What problems will your neighborhood face?
– Suggest possible solutions to those problems.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Some people think that watching sports in one’s free time is just a waste of time. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– Where do you live now?
– What do you like the most in your home? Why?
– What changes do you want to make in your home?
– How do you communicate with you relatives and friends?
– When did you get your first mobile phone?
– When a mobile phone shouldn’t be used? Why?
– Do you like to send or receive postcards?
– What type of cards do you send to your friends or family?
– What kind of music do you listen to?
– Do you think your taste in music changed with time? How?
– Do you prefer live concerts or recorded music? Why?
– Would you like to attend a live concert of your favorite band?

Cue Card

Describe a job which suites you the most. Please say

– What is it?
– Why did you choose it?
– Why do you think it’s the best job for you?


– What criteria do people usually use when choosing a job?
– What kind of jobs do children like? Why?
– What do you think about work from home?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of that?
– What are the disadvantages of jobs with flexible working hours?
– What do you think about relocating for a job?
– Do you think people like it?

IELTS test in Nepal and Nigeria – June 2016 (Academic Module)

Our friends R and G remembered the following details after taking their IELTS tests in Nepal and Nigeria:

Listening testIELTS test in Nigeria

Section 1. A phone conversation about hotel booking.

Section 2-4. Don’t remember.

Reading test

Passage 1. About the correlation between choices we make and the satisfaction we derive from them.

Passage 2-3. Don’t remember.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given four pie charts showing the quantities of imported clothing into the US and Japan between 2005 and 2009.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

In many cities the population is increasing. Some say that the urbanization process denies us knowing our neighbours, and this causes a loss of community sense. What is the main problem with this? What measures can be taken to overcome it?

Speaking test


– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Describe your hometown.
– What transportation is available in your country?
– Do you work or study?
– What subject are you studying?
– Where do you live?
– Is it a house or an apartment?
– What would you like to change there?

Cue Card 1

Talk about national identity. Please say

– What is it?
– Is it important in your opinion?
– Some countries don’t value it. Why?

Cue Card 2

Talk about a family that you like very much (not your own). Please say:

– Describe this family.
– Where and when did you meet for the first time?
– Why do you like this family?


– Who is the head of household in your family? Why?
– Who makes decisions in your family?
– Do grandparents still have the opportunity to make family decisions?
– Can you compare decision-making in the past and today?
– Can the media influence the decision-making process among older generation?