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IELTS Speaking Test, Part 2 question with model answer: Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here is a Band 9 Speaking Part 2 answer for the cue card “Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you”. This cue card has been seen recently in an IELTS exam in India. The answer below shows a good way to respond to this question.

Watch and listen in the video, or read the model answer below:

Speaking test

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about a house you visited that would be perfect for you. You should say

– where it was
– what it looked like
– how you felt when you saw it

and explain why you think this house would be perfect for you.


Oh, there was this house I visited a while back when I was in Brighton for a weekend getaway. It was tucked away on the edge of town, and honestly, it felt like it was straight out of a dream. The place had this really laid-back vibe, with lots of trees around and a view that could knock your socks off.

The house itself? It was this cool little cottage that looked like it belonged in one of those home magazines, but still super inviting. It had a neat little garden out front, and a charming front porch that just made you feel welcome right away.

Inside, it was just as awesome. The living room had this big, comfy sofa that faced a fireplace, and I could totally see myself chilling there on a rainy day. The kitchen was the best part, though. It was all modern where it counts, but still had this old-school charm to it.

When I walked in, I felt like I could move in tomorrow and not change a thing. It just had this vibe that felt right, you know? It was peaceful, but not too out in the sticks, and it just had this warm, homey feel.

I think this place would be perfect for me because it’s got that escape-from-the-city kind of peace, but it’s not too far out. I could keep up with my hobbies, have friends over, and just enjoy life at a slower pace. Plus, it felt like it had character, and that’s something you don’t find just anywhere.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website

IELTS Speaking questions from India – November 2023

IELTS Speaking New Questions India November 2023

GK took IELTS in India last week and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Where are you from?
– What did you dream about as a child?
– What kind of ambitions do young people in your country have?
– Let’s talk about days off.
– What do you do when you have a day off?
– What did you do as a child when you had a day off from school?
– Who was more important to you in your childhood, parents or friends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a sport you like to watch. You should say

– what it is
– when you watch it
– who you watch it with

and explain why you like watching it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What sport do people in your country like to watch?
– What is the most popular sport in your country that people play?
– Do you think it is important for children to play sports at school?
– What sport should schools in your country introduce?
– Who do you think benefits more from sports, children or adults?
– What is the main purpose of sports?