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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS test in Kazakhstan – May 2021 (Academic Module)

Thanks to our lovely friend I.K. we know this much about the recent IELTS questions in Kazakhstan:

Reading test

Passage 1. An article about Lichen (a composite organism).

Passage 2. About legal protection and personhood rights of Apes.

Passage 3. An article about history and the culture of storytelling.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a report)

We were given a table and a line graph describing the different age groups of people who visited cinemas between 1994 and 2002 in Australia.

Writing task 2 (an essay)

Some people think that food is one of the most fundamental economic products and should be mostly produced by each country for its own consumption, with only minimal export of products to other countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study?
– What do you study?
– What helps you in your study?
– What techniques do you use in your study?
– Do you like driving a car?
– Do you like long car trips? Why?
– What was your longest trip?
– Did you go by yourself or with friends?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe an event in which you were unsuccessful. Please say

– What was the situation?
– When did it happen?
– Why do you think it happened?
– What did you do about it?

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Will you try to do better next time?
– Why do you think teenagers try to be polite?
– Do you think goals are necessary to achieve success?
– Is it OK to give up? Why?
– Does hard work guarantee success?
– Why do you think so?

IELTS test in Qatar – April 2021 (General Training)

Our friend B.F. took her IELTS test in Qatar and remembered the following questions:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to your neighbour to ask him/her to take care of your house while you are away for a week on holidays. Please say

– Explain where you are going and why.
– What do you need him/her to do?
– What should he/she do in case of emergency?

Writing task 2 (an essay)

The adverse effect of sugar on health is well known to the public now. Some believe that the government should control the amount of sugar people consume. Others think that it is the responsibility of an individual to monitor their sugar intake. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where are you from?
– Do you work or study
– What do you do?
– Do you live in an apartment or a house?
– Describe the view from your apartment.
– Do you like it? Why?
– Have you ever been to a farmhouse?
– Do you like farmhouses?
– What is so good about them?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Talk about your favorite toy as a child. Please say

– What toy was it?
– When did you get it?
– Who gave it to you?
– And explain why it was your favorite toy.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Do you think physical exercises should be excluded from secondary school curriculum?
– Why do you think so?
– What are the main benefits of physical exercises?
– Will you encourage your children to exercise?