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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in Portugal – October 2008 (Academic)

Let’s all thank R. for sharing with us her IELTS exam experience (it was an Academic module in Portugal).

“General feeling:

My exam wasn’t bad, I think, even though I am not sure that the results will reach band 7.0, which is what I need. The Reading and the Speaking tests were okay, I guess, but with the Listening test I got lost once and I am afraid that that “incident” can jeopardize my final score. Anyway, it’s a relief that Im done with IELTS! I just hope that I don’t have to repeat the exam!

It is true what is said in your blog: IELTS is not a difficult exam, if we practice and get familiar with the exam structure, there’s no need to spend a lot of money in extra-classes and this sort of things. The problem, as you said, is the time, that’s why it is stressful.

Reading test

First passage was concerning the causes of industrial revolution in UK in the 19th century
Second passage was about a psychological experience with 4 year old children and the different theories,
Third passage was about the history of the forests in UK and the recent deforestation.
Task types: we had to match headings, fill in blanks, match given statements and the true, false and not given, nothing unexpected.

Writing test

Task 1 (Report)
Describe a graph concerning the amount of hours allocated to a specific kind of show in UK since 1950 up to 2010 (therefore with a 2 year forecast); the shows were sport, films and drama and news.

Task 2 (Essay)
“Throughout the centuries the world has been governed by men and the result was that human history is full of violence and conflicts. If the world was governed by women we would have a more peaceful world.” To what extend do you disagree or agree?

Speaking test


  • Do you live in a house or in a flat?
  • Can you tell me how does your house look like?
  • Do you have something on the walls?
  • What do you see from your house?
  • (I have asked the examiner if she could rephrase the question, because I could not understand if they wanted me to talk about my house on the inside or outside, although I think the examiner couldn’t say or actually didn’t know as well, because she just repeated the question.)

  • Which kind of food do you prefer?
  • When do you usually have that food?
  • The food that you prefer now is the same one you used to prefer as you were a child?
  • Card
    Talk about the last book you’ve read (which one, when, which kind of book, why did i like it or dislike it)

    The follow-up questions were basically about reading habits and children and books:

  • In which ways could parents contribute more to improve their children reading habits?
  • What kind of books do you think children prefer nowadays?
  • Do you think that, in general, reading habits have changed during the last decades? how? (here it was concerning adults)
  • Do you think children should learn how to read only at school or is it okay if parents teach them at home? (along with the school teaching)
  • How do you think that reading habits change with age?
  • Once again, that you so much for all the feedback on the written essays, it was really important for me and also for clarifying some doubts that were coming up while I was studying. And it is true, we feel that we are not alone on this “journey”!

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    IELTS exams in South Africa and Mexico – October 2008 (Academic and General)

    Thanks to M from Pretoria, South Africa, we know this much about the Academic IELTS exam there:


    Task 1 (report)
    We had a graph about three types of programs on one TV station. The three types were sport, weather and films. Number of hours been shown over the past 30 years plus expected predictions for the next 10 years.

    Task 2 (Essay)
    Will woman leaders, be less violent than men? Discuss, provide examples and your opinion.


    The oral part was difficult for me, I think have made a few mistakes. Everything was like your book said.

    And this is N from Mexico, telling us about his General IELTS exam:


    I missed some question, I could realize when the answer was coming but in that moment the volume was low, I was sited and the end of the line, so I am not pretty sure that I had reached my target band


    I felt good in the Reading test, it were a lot of short readings and the questions were always in the different way, for example “Some kids learn one language slower than other said Mr. Joe” the question was: Who said that some children learn faster one language than other?


    Task 1 (letter)
    Write a letter to apply for a job taking care of one house when the owner was away.

    Task 2 (essay)
    What are the positive and negative aspects of electronic games for children? Discuss, what is your opinion?


    Describe your job
    What are the positive and negative things about it

    Describe an electronic device, not a computer, that you find useful, you could say if is easy to use, why it is helpful and how to use it.


  • How often do you send e-mails
  • How many e-mails do you send in a normal day
  • What are the pros and cons of sending e-mails