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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

Topics and questions from real IELTS exams

This is a list of all the topics I’ve been gathering from people who sat for IELTS in December 2008:

Writing test

Letter topic: Write a letter to your English-speaking friend whom you visited recently. In your letter
– Tell him/her how wonderful the experience you had in his country was
– Invite him to visit your country
– Tell him what you can do for him during his visit.

Essay topic 1: Some people believe that university students should study science, other thinks that they should study what their heart desires. Discuss, what is your opinion?

Essay topic 2: Some people think that the modern children games are not helping them develop as wide set of skills as traditional games did. Do you agree/disagree?

Speaking test

– What do you know about the law in your country?
– What good laws are there in your country?
– Can you explain more about the law in your country?

IELTS exam in Philippines – December 2008 (General Training)

Our anonymous friend from Philippines has kindly shared this about his General training exam:

Writing test

Task 1 (Letter)
Write a letter to a friend who you have meet on an overseas trip in an English speaking country. Ask for him to send you the trips photographs.

Task 2 (Essay)
Some people say that parents should control their children’s behavior from a young age. What do you think?

Speaking test

– How do you celebrate birthday in your culture?
– What you wanted to do for your birthday, but have not been able to?
– Do you think that young and old people are using computer in a different way?
– Why do you think that is? Explain.