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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in France- January 2009 (Academic Module)

Thank to A. from France we know this much about the topics and questions from the recent Academic IELTS exam:

Listening test
Section 1 was about a customer speaking to a glass repairing company.
Section 2 was about a student counselor giving information to a group of student.
Section 3 was a bout a woman asking a student supervisor for help concerning here project.
Section 4 was about a woman giving information about a map representing a part of the Amazon.

Reading test
Section 1 was about crowding/density in cities and they effects.
Section 2 was about children books development from the 1700s till now.
Section 3: I forgot.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We had 3 pie charts:
– first one about countries producing coffee,
– second about consuming,
– third about countries that get most of the revenues.

Writing task 2 (essay)
Some people think that a country is more interesting and develop faster when its population is a mixture of many cultures and nationalities. To what extent do you agree.

Speaking Test

– Where are you from?
– Your full name?
– Do you prefer going out with family or friends?

Cue Card
Speak about a success you had in your life:
– When it occurred?
– What was it?
– Why do you consider it a success?

– What qualities do you think a person should have in order to succeed in their work?
– How can goals in life differ from one person to another?
– What should people get as a reward for hard work?

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IELTS exam in Zimbabwe – January 2009 (Academic Module)

This is just a short update because our friend T from Zimbabwe didn’t remember much of his IELTS topics or questions. Anyway, something is better than nothing, so here goes:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We were given 3 diagrams on formation of sand hills in the desert and coasts. The task was to describe the formation process.

Writing task 2
A teacher is very important in imparting knowledge to students compared to learning based on television and computers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

Do you prefer family parties or partying with friends?

Cue card
– Which famous person would you like to meet?
– What qualities do you expect from a famous person?

– What are the qualities expected by the next generation?