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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in the UK – February 2009 (Academic Module)

Our friend in the UK (thanks R!) sent this update after her Academic IELTS exam. Here are the topics and the questions she remembered:

Listening test

Part 1 – inquiry about an assignment
Part 2 – London railways
Last section was difficult, with a lot of synonyms used and I got lost there.

Reading test

The passages were about icebergs, futurology and musicology.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)
We had a chart with the number of people that used mobile phones and personal computers in 6 different countries (Malaysia, Chile, Iceland, Madrid, San Martino, New Zealand) in 2001.

Writing Task 2 (report)
Young generation is often asked to work without pay helping people in the community. What are the reasons for that and do you agree or disagree with this practice?

Speaking test

– Tell me your full name
– Do you work / are you a student?
– Tell me about your hometown
– Tell me about your recent holiday

Cue Card
Describe a dress your wear on special occasions, you should say
– What did people say about your dress?
– Where did you buy the dress?
– Why did you find it the best?
– Do you have a picture of that dress?

– A question about uniform: is it necessary to wear it? Why?
– Can employees select their uniforms?
– Does the employer have the right to choose uniform?

IELTS exam in Melbourne, Australia – February 2009 (General Training)

This update arrived from our friend M in Melbourne, Australia. She tells us about her General Training IELTS, here goes:

Writing test

Writing task 1 (letter)
“You have organized a 90th birthday party for your relative in a hotel. Describe the details and explain why it was a successful party for elderly guests, write about one of the staff that helped you through the party. ”

Note: this topic has already appeared in the recent updates.

Writing task 2 (essay)

Discuss competitive sports advantage and disadvantage for child’s education.

Speaking test

– What is your home like?
– What advantages and disadvantages your home has.
– If you could make an improvement to your home, what would it be?
– Tell me about your family.

– Do you like travel? Why?
– Which country you want to visit next.
– Describe one of the memorable places that you have been to.
– Do you enjoy cooking?
– Do you think student should learn cooking from school?

Cue card
Tell me one of the advertisement you have seen recently:
– What was the advertisement about
– Where do you see it from
– What do you learn from it

– Tell me why do you think advertisement always targets kids? Is it good or bad?
– If so, what do you think advertisement can improve in order to educate a consumer?
– What do you think about too much advertisement in this world? What can it do to us?