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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in India – March 2009 (Academic Module)

A friend from India is telling about his recent Academic IELTS exam:

Reading test
Reading was difficult, the time wasn’t sufficient. The topics that I remember were about a popular engineer and cosmetics.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)
We had a graph about car manufacturing, what proportion of time was spent by 4 U.S based car companies in 1998-2002 on each car.

Writing task 2 (essay)
Schools arrange for students to be engaged in an unpaid work in some institutions and companies for a short period, do you think it is beneficial as a part of work experience?

Speaking test

– Questions about personal details
– Whether I work or study
– What are my future plans
– What do you do to be healthy?
– Is being healthy necessary?
– What do you think about birthdays?
– What do you do on your birthday?
– What should everyone do on their birthdays?
– Is birthday something only young children need to celebrate?

Cue card
Describe a book you recently read, you should say
– What book was it
– What it was about
– What you liked about it
– What you disliked about it

– What kind of books young children like?
– Should only teachers be the ones making children read or should the parents do it as well?
– If so, how parents can make reading appeal to children?
– What is the effect of modern technology on books?
– What is the effect reading on adults?

IELTS exam in Philippines – March 2009 (Academic Module)

A generous student from Philippines sent me the topics from her Academic IELTS exam. Thanks, E!

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (report)
We had two bar charts, one was about the trade between Australia and China and the other was on imports from China to Australia.

Writing Task 2 (essay)
Some people think that music has a significant role in the society. Others think that its just a form of entertainment, comment on both views.

Speaking test

– Where do you come from?
– What do you like or enjoy doing and why?
– When was the last time you were on holidays?
– When you are on holidays what do you like to do?
– What things do you avoid doing?

Cue Card
– What would you like to buy in the future?
– Do you think you will have enough money to buy it?

– Have you ever made something and given it to a friend?
– On what occasions do you give gifts?
– Is it right to give expensive gifts? If so, why?
– Do you think you people are good at shopping?
– How much time do they spend on shopping?
– Why is time important when shopping?
– What form of advertising is the best?
– Are discounts a good way of promotion and why?
– Do you think that businesses should advertise?