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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in India – April 2009 (Academic Module)

Our Indian friend sent this report about his recent Academic IELTS exam. Thanks, K!

Listening test

The four sections were about a waste disposal, an employment procedure, a course and in the last one there was a railway route chart.

Reading test

Passage 1 was about single sex education vs. co-education.
Passage 2 was about a person who discovered a mathematical tool, but whose work was only recognized after his death.
Passage 3 was about the sense of smell and other senses related to brain receptors.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
I was asked to compare data included in a bar chart and a pie chart about prices in two Australian cities.

Writing task 2 (essay)
In today’s world, career is the only vital thing for a person in their life, what is your opinion?

Speaking test

– Do you write letters?
– What are the importance of letters?
– How often do you think people write letters?

Cue Card
Talk about an advice you gave someone, you should say
– What kind of advice it was
– Who you gave it to
– Why you gave that advice

In the last part I was asked to speak about human relationship of today’s world.

IELTS exam in China – April 2009 (Academic Module)

Our Chinese friend S. is telling about a recent Academic IELTS exam:

Listening test

Section one was about someone booking an accommodation for a family trip, he talked about his requirements.
Section two was about an announcement of a photography competition and introducing the judges.
Section three was about a comparison between a new car and an old car.
Section four was about a special sense that both animals and humans have.

Reading test

The tasks seemed difficult to me, there were many True/False/Not Given questions.
Passage one was about an innovative marketing.
Passage two was about e-books and online reading.
Passage three was about water movement.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
The graphs showed population density in 6 countries and the increasing rate of urban population.

Writing task 2 (essay)
Consumer goods become cheaper now, do you think advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

Speaking test

Cue card

Talk about the last book you read, you should say
– What was that book about
– What you liked in that book
– What you didn’t like in that book

– What are the advantages of reading?
– Why do people read?
– What are your favorite topics in books? Why?