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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in Taipei, Taiwan – April 2009 (Academic Module)

Thanks to C who took Academic IELTS exam in Taiwan we know this much about the topics and the questions:

Listening test

Note: this is no mistake, the Listening is the same as in Australia.

Section 1 – a girl was looking for a part-time job.
Section 2 – a student-tutor conversation.
Section 3 – it was about a museum (with multiple choice questions A,B,C)
Section 4 – about graduates and employees, can’t remember exactly, but wasn’t hard at all.

Reading test

Passage 1 – a water extraction system used on an island, Stavo, in the Mediterrean, the questions were of “true or false” kind.

Passage 2 – about medical science, very difficult, even though the title was easy “Follow Your Nose”. I just know the word, hippocampus, a part of our brain, used for short term memory. The passage describes the nose function that associated with the brain, and quotes several experts’ researches.The questions were T/F/NG and multiple choice.

Passage 3 – about astronomy, also very difficult. It mentioned the orbits of gas, dust, and planets(Jupiter, Mars, etc.) I know the planets, but it didn’t help me. There were too many professional words. Ridiculous! The questions were T/F/N G and multiple choice.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We had a bar chart “Rates of Adult Literacy by Region”. There also was a comparison of males and females in these regions (Latin America, Arab states, Central Asia, etc.), average percentage of the world.

Writing task 2 (essay)
There are many products, but only some of them meet the people’s need. Even without advertising, they will sell well. What is your opinion?

Speaking test

– Please tell me your Chinese full name.
– What’s your occupation?

Cue card
– What’s your favorite part of your town?
– Where is it located?
– What do you do there?

Follow up questions
– Would you describe your home town?
– Which part do you think is most important?

IELTS exam in Sunshine Coast, Australia – April 2009 (General training)

And the reports from the latest IELTS exam started to roll in. Here is what guys at Sunshine coast had (thanks to E for letting us know):

Listening test

Section 1 – a girl was looking for a part-time job.
Section 2 – a student-tutor conversation.
Section 3 – it was about a museum (with multiple choice questions A,B,C)
Section 4 – about graduates and employees, can’t remember exactly, but wasn’t hard at all.

Reading test

Passage 1 – a tourist attraction, the questions were of “true or false” kind.
Passage 2 – Something about university, who do you need to contact, what should students do in a certain situation, that sort of questions.
Passage 3 – students’ opinions about their course and college, “who says what” sort of questions.
Passage 4 – about children speaking more languages.
Overall, reading wasn’t too hard.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (letter)
Your friend is asking for your advice, she goes to a university and can’t decide whether to study music or business management. Write a letter and in it
say how you felt when you got the letter,
what the good points are for both sides and
what your advice is.

Writing task 2 (essay)
Home cooking tends to be a disappearing skill in some countries. How is it in your country? Do you think all children should be taught about home cooking?

Speaking test

the questions were about holidays, riding bicycle, formal and informal clothing, uniforms.

Cue card
Describe a special occasion when you were wearing a dress, you should say:
– What was the occasion,
– what dress did you wear,
– when did you buy it,
– what other people said about it.

Some other cue card topics (from other students): the house you live in, a speech, a stage in your life when you were very happy.