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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS exam in Lithuania – May 2009 (Academic Module)

Thanks to RM from Lithuania I can tell you a lot about the recent IELTS exam there. Not only he gives us the topics and the questions, but also his conclusions and lessons he learned, what he would have done differently in his exam preparation. Here goes:

Listening test

I can say is that unlike the usual test, where section 4 is the hardest, in our test it wasn’t difficult (something about children). However the second section was hardest one for me and some other students.

Reading test

I don’t remember it very well but I will try to describe all I do remember.
Passage 1: Some sort of material which is added to chewing gum, helps to clean oil and is sprinkled on fruits so they grow bigger than they would naturally.
Passage 2: Bamboos, where they grows, what presents dangers for bamboos and so on.
Passage 3: Fairytales for children, when they were invented and how old tales developed to nowadays tales for kids.

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
We had two tables with the numbers of international students of two academic years in 2 countries, there were total numbers of international students and the change in percents. First table was about international students in Canada and the second one about international students in the USA.

Writing task 2 (essay)
In many countries traditional food is changed to international fast food. This has negative effect on families and societies as well. Do you agree or disagree provide reasons for your opinion.

Speaking test

Firstly I was asked if I’m a student and I said “Yes I am”. A man then asked me in which university, I told that I’m not in university, I’m in my graduation years at school, so he told me (I could say little bit angrily) that I’m not a student then (that’s strange because in school we always call kids who go to school ‘students’).

– Tell me your full name.
– Tell me how should I call you.
– Tell me where you live.
– What you like about your city?
– Does your town have a place where to swim?
– Do people in your town like swimming?
– Do you think swimming is useful and why?
– When people in your country give presents?
– Do you think it is important that present is expensive?
– Have you ever made a gift by yourself?
– Is it hard for you to choose the present?

Cue card
Cue card was the same as in Brunei, May 2009, about who would be the famous person you’d like to meet. I’ve read that letter from Brunei before my exam and I though that I won’t get the same topic, so I didn’t think who that person could be. It was a shame that I didn’t, and I still don’t know who it could be, so I made it up).

– Would you like to be famous?
– Why do you think people want to be famous?
– How do you think, do famous persons have privacy? How much of it?
– Do all famous persons have a lot of money?
– What is the difference between famous persons in the past and in nowadays? (this was difficult one for me, because I honestly couldn’t tell it even in my mother tongue)
– What famous person should have to be adored by teenagers?

And my advice to everyone who is going to take IELTS exam is PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, as much as you can! Is it really very helpful. I’m saying it because I didn’t practice enough (because of my laziness)and now I’m afraid I didn’t get my target score.

IELTS exam in Sri Lanka – May 2009 (Academic Module)

Thanks to our Sri Lankan friends, here are the topics and questions from a recent Academic IELTS exam there:

Listening test

Section 1: a telephone conversation with a delivery company.
Section 2: a student was in an iron village for 6 months, the questions were multiple choice, we needed to select one of 3 answers.
Section 3: about synaesthesia
Section 4: about a scientific student group research

Reading test

Passage 1, 2 – don’t remember
Passage 3: Ben & Jerry’s industry development

Writing test

Writing task 1 (report)
There was a table of age groups of Internet users in percentages in the UK and the reasons why they use the Internet.

Writing task 2 (essay)
In the present age, it is no longer necessary to use animal-derived products, for example food, clothes or medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

– What is your name
– Do you work or study
– What do you study
– Why did you chose this course
– Do you like swimming
– Are there places where you can go to swim near your home

Cue card
Describe a newspaper article you recently read, you should say:
– What news paper was it in
– What was it about
– Why you remembered this article

– Do you think that journalists twist the facts to make the story more interesting?
– Why do you think people buy magazines?
– Do you find the information in magazines relevant to your age group?