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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS in Pune, India – August 2009 (General Training)

IELTS in India (and Pakistan) was described by S, who remembered a lot of questions and topics. He also had one request – that we wish him Band 7, which he needs for immigration to Australia. So on behalf of every subscriber of IELTS-Blog, I hope that S gets the Band score he needs or better!

Here is what S thinks about his exam:

“It was reasonably tough and better attempted with the help of your book ACE THE IELTS and the tips I got from you. Although I need 7 in all the modules, it can be said that I did my best and good result might be on its way.”

And now the the exam questions:

Listening test

Section 1: A telephone conversation between a shop owner of old furniture and appliances, and a prospective customer.

Questions: Filling in the gaps.

Section 2: A map of an Institution.

Questions: To identify the relevant areas like store room, canteen, etc.

Section 3: A conversation between a student and a class teacher about the assignment and what to refer to in order to complete the assignment.

Questions: Apply A – to attend the class, B – refer to past resources, C – Library resources to the various activities like choosing correct material, writing thesis, etc.

Section 4: A very easy section where we were asked to respond to information about a women setup of employment in an Indian company called Namrata Women’s Organisation.

Question Types: Filling in the gaps, Multiple choice, Complete the sentence.

Reading test

Passage 1: About various club activities and different small set-ups offering different activities, like place for Film preview, Professional conferences, party events, so on. It was very confusing and took me more time than expected.

Questions: Information matching (identify the various group names and match them to the events).

Passage 2: We had various restaurants and hotels offering varied services and foods, and the questions were accordingly.

Questions: Information matching (match various Letters for the Hotels/Restaurants to the descriptive questions).

Passage 3: Information related to some institutions and their rules, everything was very simple to answer and less time consuming.

Questions: No more than 3 words or numbers, or to answer in just one word, so we needed to be cautious about it as it was really unusual.

Passage 4: a very interesting passage on Albatrosses (one of the mammals), its nature, population, size of the wings, life-span, breeding, incubation process, their social life – like monogamous outlook, their young ones.

Questions: True/False/Not Given and sentence completions.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (letter)
As an evening class student, your teacher gave you an essay assignment for the weekend. You could not complete the essay on time. Write a letter with inclusion of following:

– the subject of your essay
– the reason you could not finish it due to.
– how and when you will finish it.

Writing Task 2 (essay)

Nowadays, people working in different jobs have different amount of Holidays. Should different types of jobs have different amount of holidays, according to the type of the job? Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your experience.

Speaking test

– What is your full name?
– Tell me where you are from.
– Do you work or study?
– Is your work very strenuous?
– Is your work experience of any use to you in future?
– About bicycles – are they liked by adults and children, safe, exist today more or less?

Cue Card
Tell us about one of your best friends, you should say
– Who is he/she? Name?
– Where did you meet him/her?
– What did you do together?
– Do you think your friendship is long lasting?

– Is improvement in Communication technology assisting friendship?
– People meeting via other media like chat, email, etc justifies friendship in real?
– Friendship in relatives more real than non-relatives?
– Is international co-operation necessary nowadays?

IELTS in Dubai, UAE – August 2009 (General Training)

IELTS in Dubai was remembered and shared by A, and all she asked in return was that we all pray for her to get a good result. And I think that’s not too much to ask! Here is what A remembered about the exam:

Listening test

Unfortunately here A didn’t remember much because the recording was very fast, to the extent that A got lost. The lesson she learned from that experience was that you need to really focus on the recording and not as much on the questionnaire, to listen well and follow the conversation and only then you will be able to answer correctly.

Reading test

A couldn’t remember the topics / questions, but she does remember one important thing – the last passage was the most difficult, and there was something else to make things harder. The questions were in the end of the booklet (apparently the passage was at the front) and she found it difficult to flip through the entire booklet every time to get to the answers, a lot of time was wasted on that.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (letter)
You have an evening class and your teacher gave you an essay to work on for the weekend. However, you were not able to finish the essay. Write a letter saying the following:
– outline the subject of your essay
– what happened why you did not finished it
– tell what you will do to finish it.

Writing Task 2 (essay)
People working different jobs should have holidays of different length, do you agree or disagree?

Speaking test

– What is your full name?
– Tell me where you live now.
– Is transportation difficult in your place?
– Do you drive?
– Should drivers learn in the best way possible?
– Does your school require people to drive?

Cue Card
Describe a leisure activity that you want to do, you should say
– why do you want to do it?
– where you want to do it?
– will there be a problem, when you do it?

– Do children really waste a lot of their time on their leisure activities?
– Some people say that hobby is a waste of time, why is that so?
– What is the leisure activity famous in your country nowadays?
– What is the effect of the changes of leisure activity in your country?

A. wishes to everyone good luck and to believe in yourselves!