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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS Speaking questions from the US, Canada and Turkey – October 2009

IELTS Speaking questions from 3 exams in USA, Canada and Turkey were remembered and shared by 3 very kind students. You will see that some questions repeat – I intentionally left them in to show what questions get asked often. Enjoy:

Speaking test 1

– What is your name?
– Where do you come from?
– Describe the apartment/house you live in.
– What is your favorite room in the house? Why?
– Why did you choose that city to live in?
– What are the advantages and disadvantages of life in towns or countryside?

Cue card
Talk about a traffic jam you got in, you should say
– How and where it happened?
– How long did you stay in it?
– How did it make you feel?

I was asked some general questions regarding problems with traffic jams.

Speaking test 2

– Tell me your name, please.
– Tell me about the place where you live.
– How is the transport there, is it good?
– Do you drive?
– Is your highschool offering driving lessons?
– Let’s talk about advertisements, what kind of advertisements do you have in your country?
– Have you bought something you learned about from any advertisement you’ve seen or heard?

Cue card
Talk about a party you are going to arrange, you should say:
– What kind of party will it be?
– When and where will it happen?
– What kind of activities will be there?

Don’t remember.

Speaking test 3

– What is your full name?
– What city do you live in?
– Why did you decide to live in this city?

Cue card
Tell me about a person whom you think is intelligent, you should say
– Who that person is,
– Where and when you met him,
– Why you think he is intelligent.

– Do you think intelligence is important for people?
– Is it the only thing that is important?
– Do you thing nowadays people need more intelligence than people in the past?
– What is the difference between the intelligence of a computer and that of a human?
– Do you think that computers will outsmart humans in the future?

IELTS Speaking questions from the UK and Pakistan – October 2009

Today I have 2 sets of IELTS Speaking questions for you, shared by people from the UK and Pakistan (thanks you, S. and S., we appreciate your kindness!).

Speaking test 1

– What is your name?
– Profession (student or working)?
– What are your duties at work?
– Are you happy with them?
– Why are you / aren’t you happy?
– Will you continue your job? Why?
– In the future what kind of job would you prefer?

Cue Card
Talk about the vehicle you would like to buy in the future, you should say:
– What kind of vehicle would it be?
– What is the best thing about it?
– When did you first see it and where?

– What are the two major drawbacks of enormous traffic?
– What measures can reduce it?
– How can we reduce the traffic?
– In what way a good transportation system can be beneficial for reducing traffic problems?

Speaking test 2

– Introduce yourself.
– Where do you live?
– Is it an apartment or a house?
– Which part of your house do you like the most? Why?
– If you would improve any part of your house, which part would it be?

Cue card

Talk about a historical place you have visited earlier, you should say:
– Whom did you go there with?
– What do you know about it?
– Why is it special?
– Would you recommend your friends to visit this place?

– Do you think people are keen on visiting historical places?
– How much money are they willing to spend on it?
– What are the sources of information regarding historical places?