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IELTS Speaking test in India – February 2023

IELTS Speaking Recent Questions India February 2023

Thanks to our kind friend S.P. we are sharing the Speaking questions that he remembered from his recent exam in India:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your name?
– Do you live in a city or in the countryside?
– Are you a student or do you work?
– Do you like to stay up late?
– When you were a child and you stayed up late, what did you do?
– How do you feel the next day after having a late night?
– How do you spend your weekends?
– Do you have plans for the next weekend?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a leisure activity that you did when you were young. You should say

– what it was
– where you did it
– who you did it with
– and explain how you felt about this activity.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Is it important to spend time doing leisure activities?
– Are there leisure activities that are popular in your country? What are they?
– Do men and women enjoy the same leisure activities?
– What types of activities do young people do for pleasure? How about older people?
– Are the activities that are popular now the same as ones that were popular in the past?
– What leisure activities do you think will be popular in the future?

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Losing things + Archaeological finds)

IELTS Band 9 Speaking Model Answers February 2023

Here are some high-scoring Part 3 model answers for the Speaking Test that was shared by a student from Nigeria. The answers show a good way to respond to these questions.

Speaking test

Part 3 (Discussion)

1. Why do people lose their things?

People often lose their things for many reasons, including forgetfulness, carelessness, and distraction. Sometimes people are so absorbed in what they are doing that they unintentionally overlook details and end up misplacing their items. It’s easy for someone to become so enthralled in an activity or task that they simply forget about their belongings and leave them behind somewhere. In some instances, people’s items get stolen or misplaced by other people as well.

2. How can people prevent losing their property?

I think there are several things that people can do to protect their property and possessions from being lost or stolen, like keeping track of their belongings while out and about, by ensuring they have secure pockets or bags which aren’t easily accessible and can be kept firmly shut with zippers or buckles whenever possible. Additionally, people can use tracking services for valuable items such as phones, watches or tablets that allow users to track them down with a help of GPS. It is a great way to ensure that these valuables don’t get lost forever when misplaced.

3. How can losing property be prevented in public places?

When visiting public places like shopping centres and parks, it’s important to be vigilant at all times since thieves often steal wallets or other valuables in these busy places. One way this can be done is by making sure not to leave any valuable items unattended. I also think that public places should have CCTV cameras installed so that it’s easier to identify criminals and the cameras themselves serve as a deterrent to thieves.

4. Why do archaeologists search for buried items?

I believe that archaeologists search for buried items as a way to gain a better understanding of past societies and cultures. They are interested in uncovering objects that people used to perform their daily activities and rituals, which can provide valuable insight into the lifestyles, beliefs, and knowledge of various ancient civilizations. They can piece together a more complete picture of how people lived during different periods in history by examining these artefacts.

5. What do they do with the artefacts they find?

I am not really sure since I don’t have a lot of knowledge about this field, but I think that once archaeologists have unearthed a valuable artefact, they will usually take it back to a laboratory to study it in a safe environment and determine its age, and function.

6. Should those artefacts be kept in their country of origin or allowed to be taken out of the country?

There isn’t one correct answer to this question, because of the moral implications associated with removing artefacts from their country of origin without considering local customs, and laws concerning cultural heritage protection. Personally, I think that these historical items form part of a nation’s identity and offer invaluable insights into its history, and for that reason they should not be taken away without proper authorization from local authorities.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website