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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS tests in Hungary, Kosovo and Iran – May 2010 (General Training)

IELTS exams in 3 countries were the same, so our friends from Hungary, Kosovo and Iran say, and here is what they collectively remembered:

Listening test

Section 1. About the process of water purification.
Questions: diagram labeling.

Section 2. A description of a tour.
Questions: summary completion about 3 types of tour and kinds of tickets.

Section 3. A conversation between a tutor and a student about a report.
Questions: multiple choice.

Section 4. About water purification system.
Questions: Filling in the gaps, diagram labeling.

Reading test

Passage 1. Ads about art programs.

Passage 2. Working environment (lighting, heating, air conditioning).
Questions: filling in the gaps, Q8 – Q17.

Passage 3. About sandwich production, wrapping and ingredients.
Questions: Filling in the gaps, Q18 – Q30.

Passage 4. A long article about Mohamed’s manuscripts in Africa.
Questions: True/False/Not Given + matching statements to paragraphs, Q31 – Q40.

Writing test

Writing Task 1 (a letter)

Write a letter to one of your classmates and invite him/her to a class reunion. Please include in your letter:
– when and where is the party,
– give some details about what is going to happen at the party,
– tell him/her what you have been doing recently.

Writing Task 2 (an essay)

Due to people’s increased consumption, the amount of waste increases continuously. What can be done to solve this problem? What is the situation in your country?

Speaking test from Hungary


– What’s your name?
– Where do you come from?
– Were you brought up there?
– How did you like living in the countryside as a child?
– What is better: to be brought up in a city or in a village?
– What are the key attractions in your home-village?
– Would a foreigner enjoy them?
– What languages do you speak?
– Why do you study English?
– What about the other 3 languages?
– In comparison to other languages that you speak is English easy for you?

Cue card

Speak about a school that you attended as a young child, please say:
– Where was it?
– What did you learn there?
– What were the classrooms like?
– Why did you like your teacher?


– What do you prefer: studying in a small class or in a larger one?
– What are the key features of a good teacher?
– Do young children need strict rules to cope with homework?

IELTS Speaking questions from Sudan and Poland – May 2010

IELTS in Sudan, as we are told by a kind test taker D, was just like this exam in Egypt. Another friend J from Poland also said their IELTS was the same. Here are the Speaking questions that D and J were asked:

Speaking test from Sudan


– Tell my your full name, please.
– Tell my what you like living in your hometown.
– What do you think needs to be done in your home city to make it better?
– How much free time do you have?
– What do you do in your spare time?

Cue card

Tell me about a tool in your home (not a computer) and say:
– what it is,
– where you got it from,
– what you do with it,
– and why it is special to you.


– Let’s talk about modern tools in general.
– Do you think they are difficult to be used by elderly people? Why?
– How can we help the elderly to handle modern tools or devices easily?
– What is the benefit of using modern tools at home?

Speaking test from Poland


– Tell me about your hometown.
– What food did you like when you were a child?
– What would you recommend to your children to eat?
– Is taking a child to a restaurant good or not?

– Let’s talk about animals. Are people in your country fond of them?
– Do you like animals?

Cue card

Tell me about your first experience with a computer. Please say:
– What did you learn from it?
– When was it?
– Who helped you?


– Let’s discuss benefits of computers for your family members.
– Will next generations use the computer in the same way as we do?
– You mentioned your Italian friends and that they are thought to be very sociable. Do you think they know computers to the same extent as we do?
– What can you say about writing by hand and writing on a computer?