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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

New IELTS Speaking questions from India and Iraq – May 2024

IELTS Speaking New Questions India May 2024

Two of our students got very similar questions in the IELTS exams they have taken in India and Iraq recently. Here is what they collectively remembered:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– Where are you from?
– What do you do?
– Is it easy for people to find work in your country? Why or why not?
– Do you usually remember things that are part of your daily routine? Why or why not?
– What strategies do you use to avoid forgetting important tasks?
– How often do you play video games?
– Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others?
– What kinds of video games do you enjoy the most?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a place where you usually go to relax. You should say:

– where this place is
– how you discovered this place
– what you do there to relax

and explain why this place is special for you.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– What are some popular places where people go to relax in your country?
– Why do people want to be away from others after a hectic day?
– How important is it to have a quiet place to relax?
– Do you think people have enough time to relax these days?
– What makes companies gain value?
– What should the government do to improve the economy?

Latest IELTS Speaking questions from Australia – May 2024

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Australia May 2024

Our kind student A shared these Speaking questions right after his IELTS exam in Australia:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– Where are you from?
– What do you do?
– Did you have to do any special courses to get this job?
– Did you aim for this job?
– Do you use a computer in your daily work?
– How did you learn to use a computer?
– How often do you use the computer outside of work?
– What kind of tasks do you perform on the computer?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a situation when people congratulated you. You should say:

– when it was
– what you did
– how they congratulated you

and explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– On what occasions do people congratulate someone in your culture?
– How do people offer congratulations in your culture?
– Is success important in your culture?
– How do people achieve success in their lives?
– What factors contribute to a person’s success?
– Do people need motivation to succeed in their work?