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IELTS Speaking test in Sri Lanka – April 2023

IELTS Speaking Recent Questions Sri Lanka April 2023

Our kind subscriber MG from Sri Lanka took the IELTS test a few days ago and remembered the following questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your name?
– Do you work or study?
– What does your work involve?
– Do you find yourself overloaded at times?
– How do you end your day?
– What transport do people in your country use more, public or private?
– Do you use public transport?
– Will you be using public transport in the future?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a friend that is important to you. You should say

– who the friend is
– where you met him/her
– why you like him/her
– and explain why this friend is important to you.

Follow-up question: Do you still keep in touch with your friend?

Part 3 (Discussion)

– In your opinion, how has the internet changed the way we form and maintain friendships?
– Some people argue that online communication is not as effective as face-to-face communication. What do you think?
– Can you think of any negative effects that the internet has on relationships and friendships?
– Do you think the internet is helping teenagers deal with their problems, or creating more problems for them?
– What are some common problems that teenagers face online, and how can these be addressed?
– Do you think that online communication makes relationships feel more distant, or does it help to bridge the distance between people?

IELTS Speaking Test, Part 3 questions with model answers (Noise pollution)

IELTS Model Speaking Answers Band 9, 2023

Here are some high-scoring Part 3 model answers for the Speaking Test that was shared by a student from Egypt. The answers below show a good way to respond to these questions. You can find the answers in the other parts here: Part 1, Part 2.

NEW! In this podcast episode you can LISTEN to all the questions and answers. It’s great to improve your pronunciation, intonation and overall fluency!

Or you can listen on YouTube (turn subtitles on):


Speaking test

Part 3 (Discussion)

We’ve been talking about noisy places, and now, in the third part of the test, I would like to ask you a few more questions related to this.

1. Is noise pollution an issue where you live?

Yes, noise pollution is certainly an issue for me. In the city centre, in particular, there are always many cars driving around, and the sound of their horns can be heard even late into the night. These noises make it difficult to sleep or concentrate.

2. What do you think are the main causes of noise pollution in our cities?

I think that would have to be transportation. Cars, buses, trains and planes all create a lot of noise, which can disrupt people’s daily lives and affect their overall mental well-being. Also, construction work is another thing that contributes to the noise pollution, because the sound of drilling or sawing materials for building projects can be extremely loud and disruptive.

3. Can noise pollution affect people’s health? In what way?

Yes, noise pollution can definitely have adverse effects on people’s health because it causes both physical and psychological distress. It has been linked with higher blood pressure levels and it can also lead to greater levels of stress and anxiety, because it’s hard to focus or relax when there is constant noise from transport or construction sites.

4. How do you think noise pollution affects wildlife?

Noise pollution makes it more difficult for animals to hunt or find food sources, as well as mating becomes a problem. This means that certain animal species may suffer a decline in population. There are also animals that rely on hearing to get around, such as whales and dolphins, and underwater noise pollution from ships interferes with their ability to navigate.

5. Do you think governments should regulate noise levels in public places more strictly?

Yes, I think they should take better care of the well-being of residents living there. If the government enforces stricter regulations on how loud businesses and transportation operators can allow their machines and vehicles to be, then we can improve conditions drastically for those living nearby.

6. What can businesses do to reduce their contribution to noise pollution?

Businesses have many options when it comes to cutting down their noise pollution emissions. Some strategies can include improving insulation around machinery used so that sound waves will not reach far, and also educating staff about how to best keep general sound levels down when working (especially after hours).

7. What role do you think technology can play in reducing noise pollution in big cities?

Technology has a significant role in reducing noise pollution in metropolitan areas. For example, recent developments have made it simpler to find substitutes for traditional power generation methods, such as electric vehicles which are much quieter than petrol or diesel-powered ones.

Read more model answers on the VIP Club website