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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS Speaking test in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – January 2013

These questions were shared by A who recently took the IELTS test in Saudi Arabia.

Speaking testIELTS test in Saudi Arabia


– What is your full name?
– Are people in your country using mobile phones often?
– When did you get your first mobile phone?
– Do you prefer to call or to message your friends? Why?
– Do you think people should turn their cell phones on silent in public places? Why?
– Please describe your hometown.
– What is interesting in your hometown?
– Are you planning to stay or go back to your hometown in the future?

Cue Card

If you were given a chance to do an unusual job, what job would it be? Please say:

– Why do you think it is an unusual job?
– Where did you find out about it?
– What is so interesting about this job?


– Is it important to have a retirement age?
– Is a part time job in your country supported by schools?
– Does government have the right to impose a particular number of workers on a company?
– In what way students are guided to choose their career?
– How do you decide what course or degree will suit you?

IELTS Speaking test in Canada – December 2012

The topics below were shared by S who took the IELTS test in Canada recently.

Speaking testIELTS test in Canada


– What your full name?
– Do you work or study?
– Do you like your job? Why?
– Did you have any difficulties in getting this job?

– Did color matter to you when you were a child?
– Does color matter now when you buy things?
– Is there a color you don’t like to use in your home?
– Do you watch TV? Which program did you last watch on TV?
– Do you like to watch TV alone or with someone? Why?

Cue Card

Describe an advertisement that you have seen recently. Please say

– What was the product in the advertisement?
– What was the importance of the advertisement to you?
– What did you like about it the most?


– What do you think about advertisements aiming at children?
– What do you think about companies spending a lot of money to advertise their products?
– Should only good-looking people be in advertisements?