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Recent IELTS exams

Real students tell about their recent IELTS exams: IELTS questions, topics, tasks, answers.

IELTS Speaking test in Georgia – June 2023

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Georgia June 2023

M remembered the following Speaking questions from her recent Speaking test in Georgia:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your ID?
– Where is your hometown?
– How long have you lived there?
– Do you live in a friendly neighbourhood?
– Do you like science fiction movies?
-.Have you ever dreamed about traveling to the outer space?
– Do you believe that space travel will become affordable in your lifetime?
– Do you like chocolate?
– Why do people love chocolate?
– What type of chocolate is your favourite and why?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a place where you like to relax. You should say

– where it is
– how often you go there
– what you do to relax
– and explain why this particular place helps you relax.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Do you think it is important for people to take time to relax? Why?
– What is the most popular way to relax in your hometown?
– Are there any differences in the ways people relax in urban areas compared to rural areas?
– What is the difference between relaxing at home and on holiday?
– How do you think technology has influenced the way people relax?
– Do you think relaxation is more important for physical well-being or mental well-being?
– Is physical exercise important for mental health, and why?

IELTS Speaking test in Iran – June 2023

IELTS Speaking Latest Questions Iran June 2023

Z took his IELTS exam in Iran a few days ago and remembered the following Speaking questions:

Speaking test

Part 1 (Interview)

– What is your full name?
– Can I see your identification?
– Do you study or work?
– Why did you choose to study this particular subject?
– Do you like wearing T-shirts?
– How often do you wear them?
– Do you like T-shirts with pictures or prints?
– Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?
– Have you ever worked in a small business before?
– Have you ever thought about starting your own business?

Part 2 (Cue Card)

Describe a time when you were late. You should say

– when it was
– what you were late for
– why you were late
– and explain how you felt about it.

Part 3 (Discussion)

– Are you good at managing your time?
– Do people in your country think that being on time is important?
– How can people manage their time, especially when dealing with multiple tasks or responsibilities?
– How can poor time management skills affect an individual’s personal and professional life?
– Do you think time management is a skill that can be learned and improved? Why or why not?
– Can technology help with time management? In what way?