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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Some people say that arts subjects are as essential as academic ones and should be part of school syllabus (agree/disagree)

Some people say that art subjects such as music, drama and creative writing are an essential part of education, and every school should include them in its syllabus. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your opinion and examples from your own experience.

Art subjects such as music, drama and creative writing are fundamentals that enrich our lives. However, some parents say schools on teaching more academic subjects, such as mathematics, science, literature and history. In my opinion, both academic and arts subjects should be taught and I will expand on the pros and cons of including arts in the school program further on in this essay.

On the one hand, academic subjects are often required when we get into higher . Academic subjects may be considered as in the academic world. Personally, I have never taken an entrance exam of art subjects for high school or university. In other words, schools measured my academic abilities using academic subjects, not art subjects. To suit the current educational system, many parents in my home country, Japan, send their children to cram schools to study academic subjects deeply.

On the other hand, art subjects can strengthen the creativity and flexibility of individuals. Liberal arts, which include cultural understanding and knowledge, also include other arts subjects. In addition, we are living in the era of automation and artificial intelligence which are replacing human labor and office work more and more. In this regard, human creativity becomes more important. Therefore, art subjects are being more in demand to make a difference between individuals and computers.

In conclusion, academic and arts subjects should blend in a school syllabus in a balanced way. Art subjects can also a better personality in individuals, so participation in these classes should be encouraged as well as academic achievements.

The writer explored the reasons why including arts subjects in school syllabus is a good idea, while fluently expressing ideas and supporting them by examples. Correct paragraphing assists with orderly presentation of information, making this essay easy to follow; the range of vocabulary is quite wide. Accuracy of expression needs a bit more attention (see corrections underlined in blue), but overall, this essay could achieve IELTS Band 8.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8

should concentrate
the writer means ‘education options’ here
the writer means ‘a very important foundation’ here
the writer means ‘nurture’ here

IELTS Letter, topic: Complaining about airport services

You have recently flown to another country on a business trip. You were satisfied with the flight, but didn’t like services at the airport. Write a letter to the airport manager and say

– Give your flight details.
– Why were you disappointed?
– Suggest some improvements to the airport services.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Diane Norman, and I came through your airport on March 1st. I flew with United Airlines on flight number 145 to Portland, Oregon. I was travelling on business, and found the services offered by the airline splendid across the board.

As for the services provided by the airport, unfortunately, I didn’t experience a similar level of satisfaction. In fact, I was extremely disappointed with them. There were not enough employees to serve travelers. Moreover, the quality of customer service was very poor. The airport workers were unable to answer our questions about the process of online check in, or deal with minor requests, such as informing tourists about locations of restrooms and stores. Another issue that we struggled with was the slow internet connection with intermittent drop outs.

Considering the problems we encountered, I would like to suggest some possible solutions. Hiring more staff, and giving them training on everything they need to know about the airport, and also how to treat customers in a courteous way, would help improve our airport experience. With regard to internet connection, I would recommend a more reliable internet provider.

Thank you for taking time to read my letter, and I hope this information helps improve airport services in the nearest future.

Faithfully yours,

Diane Norman

This letter covers the task including all the bullet points and presents a well-developed response. Ideas flow naturally and paragraphing helps to organise the information. The vocabulary is adequate for the purpose of this letter and the level of formality is appropriate. Overall this letter seems to be worthy of IELTS Band 8.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 8