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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Letter, topic: Enquiring about lost clothes

You stayed at a hotel recently and forgot your clothes there. Write a letter to the hotel manager and say

– When and where did you stay?
– Describe your clothes.
– What would you like the manager to do about it?


Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Maria Johanson, I stayed at your hotel last week from the 13th till the 17th of June, and my room number was 804, located on the 8th floor. I am writing to seek your help with finding my belongings, which I accidentally left behind during my stay at the Hilton Dreams hotel.

I forgot one bag inside the lounge room, in the wardrobe by the front door. It’s a silver Samsonite medium size bag and inside you will find, among other things, a brand new black shirt with Ralph Lauren tag and one pair of blue jeans. These clothes haven’t been worn, as I just bought them during my stay at the mall located directly behind the hotel.

I would appreciate your assistance with finding my bag, and if possible, having it shipped to my home address that you have on file. I am prepared to transfer the shipment fees to the hotel bank account upon receiving your confirmation.

Thank you in advance for your help, and I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours Faithfully,

Maria Johanson.

The purpose of this letter is clear. Its author covered all the bullet points in the task statement and produced a fluent, coherent response, with the ideas sequenced and presented in a logical way. The vocabulary and level of formality are suitable for this type of letter. Overall this response seems to be worthy of IELTS Band 8.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 8

IELTS Report, topic: Single line graph describing rainfall statistics (from Target Band 7 book)

This report was written on a topic from “Target Band 7” book (page 40, reprinted with permission).

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The line graph below describes rainfall statistics for Somecountry.

Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown.

Write at least 150 words

Line graph describing rainfall statistics for Somecountry, from Target Band 7 book

Answer (approx. IELTS Band 7 level)

The line graph compares the average of amount of rainfall in Somecountry in 2004 in monthly terms. It can be clearly seen that the rainfall was the lowest in February, but relatively high in July, August and October.

From January to May 2004 the monthly amount of rainfall was below 50mm, and the least amount of rainfall was reported in February. The figures from March to May were gradually rising, however there were no significant changes during that period.

In contrast, between June and December the rainfall was quite volatile. For instance, while July and October had the higher amount of rainfall, 60mm and 65mm respectively, September saw a rapid decline in precipitation, dropping to 55mm. The rainfall in December also declined from October’s high to just about 50mm.

In conclusion, we can say that earlier months saw stable amounts of rainfall, but in the second half of the year the rainfall constantly fluctuated.

Click here to see more IELTS reports of band 7