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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Some people believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable, while others think it is necessary and beneficial (opinion)

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 1 Academic book, Practice Test 2

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people today believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable and will eventually lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that world population increase is necessary and beneficial as it creates the growth of the world’s economy and society.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


The population of the world is ever growing. Some people believe that this increase has created an unsustainable situation and that it will lead to a global crisis. Other people believe that only through an increasing population can the world’s economy and society develop.

This population increase is not constant around the world; population is undergoing significant growth especially in less developed countries, and the continent of Africa is predicted to undergo the highest increase. Many people living in these less developed countries frequently face shortages, such as water, food, heating, cooking fuel and medicines, and people have to live in substandard living conditions by western standards. With more inhabitants, these difficulties will become exacerbated and helping these countries might also create strain on the resources and economies of other countries.

On the other hand, many countries are unable to reach their economic potential due to a lack of skilled work forces. For these countries a growing population can mean a stronger economy and, due to that, a better standard of living. Growing populations can also lead to growing demand for goods, allowing economies to expand. The problem is, however, that countries that are in need of labour forces and increasing demand are already the more developed countries and they meet some of these needs by immigration and exporting goods.

In conclusion, it is my belief that while certain areas of the world are in need of larger work forces to develop their economies, the continuously increasing population could potentially lead to crisis within countries that already struggle to provide for their inhabitants.

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IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50 per cent, what can we do to protect wildlife?

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 1 General Training book, Practice Test 1

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Recently published figures show that the wildlife population around the world has decreased by around fifty per cent over the last fifty years. What can we do to help protect the wildlife round the world?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


Humans have become a prime culprit for the destruction of the wildlife population around the world. Humans believe that they are the most powerful species on this planet and have therefore chosen to use all of nature’s resources for their own good, even if this results in the destruction of the environment around them. Clearly, this is not a positive result of human existence and many people believe that the world’s wildlife population should be better protected.

One possible way to protect wildlife around the world is to reduce the amount of polluted substances produced through the human way of life. It has become habitual for people to pollute water by adding chemicals to it during industrial processes or to pollute air as a result of the fossil fuel industries and car emissions. Stopping the addition of chemicals to water and creating cleaner processes would reduce water pollution and help create a safer environment for wildlife to live in. Increasing the availability and use of public transportation and increasing the use of renewable energy sources could reduce world pollution further.

Another possible attempt to protect wildlife around the world is to actively promote recycling projects to reduce the amount of resources that are wasted. This would lessen the degradation of the natural environment, as humans continue to search for new resources. Society uses a lot of paper and wood on a daily basis and people do not actively think about whether or not they are wasting these resources. Printing double-sided or on recycled paper for example would appear to change nothing, yet if carried out regularly would help make a difference.

In conclusion, there are numerous different ways in which every human being can help to protect the wildlife population around the world. One can engage in projects to raise awareness of environmental destruction or one can actively take part in activities to protect it. Everyone must find the area in which he or she would like to involve him or herself, as all should be obliged to protect wildlife around the world.

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