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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: High-rise vs. low-rise buildings, which solution is better for a growing population?

Some cities create new housing for their growing populations by constructing a smaller number of high-rise buildings. Other cities create more of low-rise buildings. Which solution is better, in your opinion?

Sample Essay

Rising population in urban areas leaves governments with no choice but to build more houses to meet the demand. However, when it comes to construction, there is more than one way to build new homes. Some cities prefer to construct fewer residential towers, while others build a larger number of low-rises for their residents. In this essay both options will be discussed and a viable solution will be suggested.

One advantage of tall buildings is that they can accommodate a large number of people while having a small footprint. This type of construction is popular in central city areas where land is scarce and expensive. For example, in New York City high-rise buildings have significantly reduced housing problems, by as much as 55% in the last few years. As a result of this strategy, rents tend to decrease which has a further positive impact on the economies of such cities. However, tall buildings offer little or no privacy, they force certain rules and regulations upon residents, and attract higher maintenance costs.

Given a chance to voice their opinion, many individuals would prefer to live in low-rise buildings or even build their own houses. This option might be more attractive for big families and for older generation people who like to have their own personal space. Accessibility is also a concern for the elderly as taking the stairs when the lifts break down may not be an option for them. In addition, one or two-story houses are easier and cheaper to maintain compared to modern apartment towers. The downside of this type of dwellings is that they occupy much more land, and since land is cheaper on city fringes, new estates tend to be built away from city centres. This increases commute time to work for their residents and negatively affects their quality of life.

In conclusion, high-rise and low-rise buildings have their unique advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, high rises are more suitable for younger residents and should be built in the areas where young population is prevalent, closer to the city centre and employment opportunities. Senior citizens should have a supply of lower dwellings available in quieter locations. Such flexible approach can be a good way to address the needs of growing city’s population.

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IELTS Essay, topic: Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by legalising all drugs (agree/disagree)

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 3 General Training book, Practice Test 12

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by legalising all drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


Illegal drugs have become a worldwide problem in modern day society. The trading of drugs is widespread in nearly all countries and the number of people consuming drugs worldwide is high. It has been suggested simply to legalise all recreational drugs to solve the problems associated with them. I personally agree partially with this proposal, because I can see many advantages, yet also many disadvantages.

One positive aspect of legalising these drugs would be that the number of criminal activities committed to obtain them would decrease. Fewer people would therefore be imprisoned and have a criminal history that prevents them from progressing in life. Additionally, essential police resources would be freed up and devoted to other areas. Finally, high taxes could be imposed on the legal product, allowing governments to have better resources to improve the infrastructure of their countries.

Although legalising all illegal drugs could result in several positive effects, there are many negative effects that could be possible. As a result of the legalisation, I personally believe that it would become acceptable to use drugs and people would no longer pay attention to the damage that drugs cause. Schools might no longer educate teenagers and adolescents about the negative effects drugs have on people, resulting in more teenagers experimenting with them, as they would believe that this is a normal aspect of life. This would result in a higher number of drug addicts and potentially in more deaths, because it would be easier to obtain a large amount of illegal drugs and therefore the chances of overdosing would also increase.

In conclusion, I partially agree with the proposed action. Nonetheless, I think that an age restriction should be placed on drug use, as teenagers and adolescents could easily become addicted if all illegal drugs are legalised. This group of people is highly at risk of becoming addicted and potentially dying as a result of drug use and therefore should only be allowed to consume drugs after reaching a certain age.

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