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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Essay, topic: In some countries private cars are now banned from city centres (advantages / disadvantages)

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 3 Academic book, Practice Test 14

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

In some countries private cars are now banned from certain city centres. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a system and do you feel that this is something that most cities should adopt?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.


Banning cars from city centres is a recent trend and it can be seen in various cities around the world. Certain advantages and disadvantages immediately spring to mind when considering this step that city councils are taking.

The advantages are clear. Since cars were introduced, city centres have always been areas where air quality is poor due to the amount of emissions, which in turn affects people’s health. City centres become quieter and safer for people to wander around shopping and enjoying themselves. Access to city centres can still be good, as it is usually only private vehicles that are banned, and buses and taxis can still take people in and out of the city centre areas. Many towns also operate a park and ride scheme, so people can leave their cars in safe car parks in the outskirts of towns and travel with a dedicated bus service to the town centres. It would seem hard to criticise this kind of scheme.

There are critics though to the scheme of banning cars in city centres. City centre shop keepers have often been vocal opponents, as they believe that fewer people will come to the city centres and therefore their incomes will be affected. The general public also sometimes object, as people often like to travel in their own private vehicles. In actual fact, banning cars from city centres has in practice not reduced the number of people who travel to city centres to shop. People like shopping and socialising in city centres and they just adapt to the situation. There is no answer to people who want to drive their own cars. They hopefully will just realise that the sacrifice of not driving their own cars is outweighed by the health and lifestyle improvements of a cleaner and quieter city centre.

In conclusion, there are far more advantages to banning cars from city centres than allowing them. It is therefore a measure that most city centres should adopt for their citizens.

Go here for more IELTS Band 9 Essays

IELTS essay, topic: Children today are spending more time watching TV than in the past, is it a positive or a negative change?

Today children are spending much more time watching TV compared to the past. Why do you think this happens? Is this a positive or a negative change?

Sample Band 8 Essay

A trend has emerged in the last two decades with youngsters watching more TV than ever before. One of the main reasons behind this issue is the recent advancements in technology in gaming and film industries. This tendency has both pros and cons, and will be further discussed in this essay.

The latest developments in video game consoles attracted both children and adults to spend extra time watching TV, compared to the past. With interactive gaming characters and high quality graphics, children are more likely to spend long hours playing games in front of the TV. A recent survey showed that TV addiction among young people, for example, has significantly increased from 5% to 80%, which was supposedly caused by the introduction of advanced gaming consoles. This increase is also partially due to films, drama series and cartoons being easily available on pirated websites and various gaming platforms.

This trend has had more negative than positive effects on young citizens. More time spent watching TV adversely affects the mental and physical wellbeing of a child. For instance, the obesity ratio among young individuals in the past 10 years has risen dramatically; this has caused further health problems such as anxiety and depression. However, TV can also be used in a positive way. It is a great source of information that can help youngsters increase their knowledge and succeed in their future careers.

In conclusion, recent breakthroughs in technology are driving up the amount of time our youngsters are spending in front of their TV screens. This can do more harm than good if we don’t regulate the use of TV, but parents have the power to make TV time useful and beneficial for their children.

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