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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Some think that young people should be free to choose any career they like, while others say that they should think more realistically about their future (opinion)

Some think that young people should be free to choose any career they like, while others say that they should think more realistically about their future. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Sample Band 8 Essay

Choosing a future career requires careful consideration. While some people claim that adolescents should be able to pursue a career they would enjoy, others oppose to that, arguing that teenagers should aim for a high-paying job in order to secure a livelihood when they grow up. Given that our life consists of more than just physiological needs, I strongly believe that it is vital to fulfill one’s potential in the career fields that are most compatible with their interests.

The youth who choose highly skilled jobs may find it easier to have a fruitful future in a materialistic sense. It is true that some professions, such as engineers or doctors, are well paid and offer more stability compared to work in other, non-professional fields. For example, psychologists usually have higher starting salaries compared to artists; they also rarely lose their jobs in recessions. People who prioritise earning a living might agree that a reliable job is a must for their future and by no means will they take risks to gain employment in a field they are passionate about, that doesn’t pay well.

However, it is worth remembering that we are living in a rapidly changing world and the concept of a ‘guaranteed future’ is unrealistic. Even the smartest of us aren’t prophets and it is impossible to foresee many changes in job markets in the future; some high-salaried jobs of today may no longer exist by the time our young people become adults. Therefore, people may choose to pursue their dreams and follow career paths according to their passions and interests now, to avoid having regrets later in life.

Having considered the reasons to prefer monetary remuneration over one’s interests, I am convinced that it would be a pity for youths to limit their career choices to highly paid jobs of today. Unforeseen changes in the jobs markets may affect salaries but won’t change the pleasure one derives from doing something they love.

Teacher’s comment: The writer discussed both sides of the argument, expressed his/her opinion and presented relevant arguments to support it. This essay has good structure, main ideas are organized well and conveyed coherently. The writer has a good range of vocabulary, and most sentences are free from grammatical errors. Overall, this is a very good essay and seems worthy of Band 8

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IELTS essay, topic: In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and communicate online without face-to-face contact, is it a positive or a negative development?

In the modern world, it is possible to shop, work and communicate with people via the Internet and live without any face-to-face contact with others. Is it a positive or negative development?

Sample Band 8 Essay

The feasibility of shopping, working and communicating through the Internet is gradually eliminating the necessity of in-person encounters. I believe the merits of this opportunity outnumber its demerits and the lowered volume of traffic in addition to the possibility of long-range communication will be discussed as reasons for this claim in this essay.

One chief benefit of using the Internet as a means of making purchases, working and communicating would be the lowered demand for transport, through eradicating the need for face-to-face contact. Such decreased volume of transportation would result in fewer harmful gas emissions which could significantly contribute to creating a cleaner environment. Furthermore, reduced commuting burden yields more free time for individuals. It could be spent in various ways such as working, studying and socialising with family and friends to name a few, which would be more productive and enjoyable.

Another key merit of using the Internet would be the emergence of state-of-the-art telecommunication applications. These technologies have made it possible for those with access to the Internet to get in touch and send and receive audiovisual content by pushing just a few buttons. This presents a stark contrast to the situation only a few decades ago, when long-distance communication was possible solely through paper-based letters, which could possibly take months to reach the recipient.

There are, however, some drawbacks to online communication, in particular the possibility that the lack of contact brought by technological advancements could potentially weaken human bonds. Taking into consideration that humans are sociable species, this could pose a dire threat to our mental health. This predicament, however, would be mitigated by the extra free time technological developments create for us. This free time could be spent with friends and family and in the long run would strengthen our relationships and improve our emotional wellbeing.

To recapitulate, the Internet’s demolishing the need for person-to-person contact brings about numerous benefits. A more sustainable environment as well as more free time generated for individuals, a reduced need to commute in addition to the feasibility of conducting long-distance communication in the easiest way possible, are all instances of the above-mentioned merits.

Teacher’s comment: The candidate displays a clear understanding of the task. The ideas are organized logically by following a clear progression in most parts. The range of vocabulary is wide and precise, and most sentences are free from grammatical errors. Overall, this is a very good essay and seems worthy of Band 8 or 8.5.

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