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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Letter, topic: writing to recommend a friend for a job at a summer school camp

IELTS Model Letter Sample Band 8 April 2023

The topic of this letter appeared in a recent IELTS exam in Vietnam. Below is a sample response that is likely to score Band 8 or above in IELTS.

One of your friends wants to apply for a job at a summer school camp as a sports trainer. Write a letter to the camp manager to recommend your friend. In your letter,

– Say how well you know your friend
– Describe the qualifications and experience that your friend has
– Explain why your friend would be suitable for this job.


Dear Camp Manager,

I am writing to recommend Nathan Lowe for the sports trainer position at your summer school camp. I have known Nathan for several years and can attest to his skills and passion for sports.

Nathan has a bachelor’s degree in physical education and has also completed several coaching courses. He has volunteered as a coach with the local soccer club and has worked with children of primary and secondary school age. Nathan has experience in a range of sports, including soccer, basketball, and volleyball, and an excellent ability to teach new skills and techniques.

I believe that Nathan would be a good fit for the sports trainer position at your summer camp. He has a great ability to connect with students and has a positive and enthusiastic teaching style that motivates students to participate and enjoy sports. Additionally, Nathan is patient, friendly, and responsible, which makes him an ideal mentor and role model for the children attending the camp.

Thank you for considering my recommendation.

Faithfully yours,

Andrew Bale

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 8

IELTS essay, topic: Young people don’t communicate with older people as much as they used to (reasons and solutions)

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 April 2023

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS tests in Canada.

Nowadays in many countries, young people don’t communicate with older people as much as they used to. Why is this happening? How could this situation be improved?

Sample Band 8 Essay

In this day and age, a large number of nations are grappling with the phenomenon that younger generations no longer communicate as frequently with their elders as they used to. There are various reasons why this situation has arisen and several solutions can be implemented in order to improve it.

Firstly, one of the main factors causing this communication gap between young people and older generations is the ever-increasing technology usage among young generations. Many young people spend their time on devices like computers, smartphones or tablets, which provide them with platforms for social interaction without real-life physical contact or communication with other people. Older people, on the other hand, prefer the old-fashioned ways to communicate, which means there are fewer opportunities for contact between the generations.

Another possible reason behind the lack of communication among members of different age groups is the cultural values that have been instilled throughout history; for instance, in many countries, children are taught from an early age to respect and obey their elders without questioning them. As a result, when younger generations become adults, they may find it difficult to have meaningful conversations with older people where opinions can be freely shared and discussed.

In order to improve this situation several steps can be taken. For example, schools can incorporate classes focusing on inter-generational dialogue so that students could learn how to communicate effectively across all ages by discussing topics such as politics or culture in a respectful manner. Additionally, families could encourage younger members of the family to spend more time talking with their grandparents and uncles/aunts, either in person or on the phone, instead of just spending their free time online. This could help create stronger bonds between different generations within a family.

To sum up, it is clear that raising awareness about this issue is key, since it carries significant implications for our society’s future development if left unresolved. Thus, everyone should take action towards promoting inter-generational dialogues so that our young and old can learn from each other’s experiences and create better connections within our societies moving forward.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of Band 8