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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Report, topic: Line graph describing production of 3 different fuels in the UK

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Line Graph Model Answer Band 8

This is a model answer for an Academic Writing Task 1 from the IELTS exam in Pakistan, shared recently. This response is likely to get Band 8 or 8.5 in IELTS.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task

The line graph below describes production of different fuels in the UK from 1981 to 2000. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words

IELTS Writing Task 1 Line Graph Different Fuels Production in UK

* Note: this isn’t the actual graph given in the test, it was recreated for the purpose of demonstration.

Band 8.5 Model Answer

The line graph gives information about the production of coal, gas and petroleum in the UK from 1981 to 2001.

It is clear from the graph that there was a decline in the production of all three types of fuel over the given time period, especially coal.

To begin, coal started out with the highest value of 127 million tonnes produced in 1981, and then plummeted to 51 million tonnes in 1984. Thereafter, the ratio recovered significantly to 106 million tonnes in 1986. From then onwards, the ratio has been consistently declining and eventually reached a low of 35 million tonnes in 2001.

The production of petroleum showed a slight increase from 96 to 100 million tonnes at the very start of the period. From 1983, there was a gradual decrease in production to a low of 79 million tonnes in 1989. Later on, from 1991 to 2001 the numbers remained relatively stable, between 80 to 87 million tonnes.

Natural gas production started at 72 bcm and increased for almost 10 years, reaching the high of 113 bcm in 1990. That point marked a start of gradual decline of around 5 bcm per year, to the low of 67 in 1999. Thereafter, there was a slight recovery to 72 bcm in 2001.

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IELTS Essay Samples of Band 9

IELTS Model Essay Samples Band 9, 2023

Last updated: May 3, 2023

Here you can find IELTS Essay samples of Band 9, written by a native English speaker and a former IELTS examiner. Robert Nicholson is the co-author of ‘High Scorer’s Choice’ IELTS Practice Tests book series, created in collaboration with Simone Braverman, the founder of this website. New essays are being added weekly.

Click on one of the topics below to jump to essays on that topic.

Crime and Punishment
Family and Children
Global Issues
Government and Laws
Housing and Town Planning
Media and Advertising
Society and Social Matters
Sport and Exercise

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Crime and Punishment

Former prisoners commit crimes after release (reasons and solutions) – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Education

Schools should teach their students how to survive financially in the world today (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1
Some people believe that teaching music in schools is vital, while others think it is unnecessary (opinion) – Sample essay 2
Teachers should be required to conform to a dress code (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3
Many people nowadays travel abroad for their university education (discuss) – Sample essay 4
Some schools insist that students have laptops in class (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 5
Should governments or teachers be responsible for what is to be taught in schools (opinion)? – Sample essay 6
Do schools still need to teach handwriting and mental mathematics skills (opinion)? – Sample essay 7
Should boys and girls be educated separately (opinion)? – Sample essay 8
Should school children be given homework (opinion)? – Sample essay 9
Schoolchildren today take part in short work experience sessions instead of school (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 10
Artificial Intelligence will take over the role of teachers (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 11

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Environment

Wildlife population around the world has decreased by around 50 per cent, what can we do to protect wildlife? – Sample essay 1
Increases in fuel prices are the only way to reduce world consumption of fuel (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2
Ending the world’s reliance on fossil fuels will be a positive development (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Family and Children

Some parents think that children must do house chores (opinion) – Sample essay 1
Is using physical force to discipline children acceptable (opinion)? – Sample essay 2
Women, not men, should stay at home to care for children (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Global Issues

Some people believe that the world’s increase in population is unsustainable, while others think it is necessary and beneficial (opinion) – Sample essay 1
The world today is a safer place and governments should stop spending large amounts of money on their armed forces (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2
With the scale of globalisation today, it would be best to have a single world currency (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 3
There is a moral necessity today for the richer countries of the world to help the poorer countries develop (agree/disagree)Sample essay 4

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Government and Laws

Should the government put a tax on fast food to reduce obesity (opinion)? – Sample essay 1
Some people believe that the problem of illegal drugs can be solved by legalising all drugs (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2
Unemployment payments encourage people not to seek work (opinion) – Sample essay 3
Individuals should be responsible for funding their own retirement (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 4
Households should have a government-imposed limit on the amount of rubbish they produce (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 5

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Health

Some say that people should diet and exercise to lose weight, while others think they should eat better and change their lifestyle (opinion) – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Housing and Town Planning

Today’s governments struggle to create enough housing for increasing populations while protecting the environment (opinion) – Sample essay 2
In some countries private cars are now banned from city centres (advantages/disadvantages) – Sample essay 3
Is banning cars from city centres a positive or negative development? – Sample essay 4
The advantages and disadvantages of high-rise apartment living – Sample essay 5
Some people like to own their home while others prefer to rent it (discuss) – Sample essay 6

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Language

Is learning a foreign language essential or a waste of time (opinion)? – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Media and Advertising

The number of advertisements for charities is increasing, what is causing this? – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Science

Breakthroughs in medical science are the most significant advances over the last two centuries (opinion) – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Society and Social Matters

Some people believe that everyone has a right to access to the Internet and governments should provide it free (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 1
Should copyright materials such as music, films and books be freely available on the Internet (opinion)? – Sample essay 2
Can the society cope with the larger number of elderly people and how? – Sample essay 3
Athletes and entertainers’ enormous salaries reflect our dependence on entertainment (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 4
Is it acceptable that enormous sums are paid for pieces of art when many people around the world live in poverty? – Sample essay 5
Everybody should pay a small amount from their income to help people in poverty (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 6
Only people over 18 years old should be allowed to use social media (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 7
Libraries are not a necessity anymore because of the digital resources available today (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 8
Is fashion a significant part of society, or a waste of time and money (opinion) – Sample essay 9
Traffic on roads has become a problem in nearly every country in the world (solutions) – Sample essay 10

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Sport and Exercise

Some people think that sport in schools is a waste of time and resources, while others believe it is a vital part of education (opinion) – Sample essay 1

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Tourism

Should governments impose extra taxes to restrict tourism in order to reduce pollution? – Sample essay 1
In some cities the numbers of tourists seem overwhelming, why is this happening? – Sample essay 2

IELTS Model Essays on the Topic of Work

What is the best motivation for workers – salary, job satisfaction or helping others? – Sample essay 1
Having a salaried job is better than being self-employed (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 2
Is studying at university better than getting a job straight after school (opinion)? – Sample essay 3
People today find their lives more and more dominated by their jobs (agree/disagree) – Sample essay 4