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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Some people tend to buy products or get services instantly (reasons and effects)

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 June 2023

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Some people tend to buy products or get services instantly, without waiting. Why is it happening? Is this a positive or negative development?

Sample Band 8 Essay

Nowadays, consumers are more inclined to buy products and obtain services instantaneously rather than waiting for them. Consequently, this has led to an immediate surge in demand. This phenomenon can largely be attributed to the convenience that technology now provides and the ease with which items can be purchased online. With nearly every business having an online presence and offering delivery services, it has become much easier for customers to buy whatever they need or want right away.

Online shopping allows customers to save time and energy by having items delivered directly to their doorsteps without ever having to leave home, and many take advantage of that. The ability to purchase things on demand is certainly welcomed by those who have a busy lifestyle or lack access to traditional stores. Last-minute purchases are no longer a problem, because for something you want, as it can be acquired and delivered almost immediately.

This trend towards immediate gratification, however, may not always lead to positive outcomes. Instant gratification can encourage people’s impulse buying habits, leading them to make purchases without giving them adequate time to consider whether an item is necessary or worth its cost. Such spontaneous shopping can lead to feelings of dissatisfaction and cause buyer’s remorse due to the lack of proper consideration or research prior to purchasing.

Overall, while purchasing items and receiving services instantly has numerous advantages such as convenience and efficiency, it should still be done with caution to avoid potential negative consequences associated with it. Consumers must take time before committing to any purchase or service to ensure that they are making sound decisions based on what truly matters, rather than indulging in impulse buying habits driven by instant gratification.

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IELTS essay, topic: Many university students nowadays live away from home and their parents (advantages/disadvantages)

IELTS Model Essay Sample Band 8 June 2023

This essay topic was seen in a recent IELTS test in Pakistan.

Many university students nowadays live away from home and their parents because of their university location, while others live with their families. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each situation?

Sample Band 8 Essay

In today’s society, many university students face the decision of whether to live away from home or reside with their families due to the location of their university. While moving out of family home has many advantages such as independence and improved academic performance, it also comes with some serious disadvantages such as the lack of social support, and financial implications.

Living away from home offers several advantages. Most importantly, it provides an opportunity for students to develop a sense of independence and self-reliance. By managing their own accommodation, finances, and daily routines, students can cultivate essential life skills, including budgeting, time management, and problem-solving. Living independently can also foster personal growth and maturity as students navigate the challenges and responsibilities of adulthood. Moreover, living away from home can contribute to academic success. Students are often exposed to a conducive environment for studying, free from distractions and familial obligations.

On the other hand, living with family has its own advantages. It provides a supportive network of familial relationships, which can contribute to emotional well-being and mental health, which is often lacking for students who study away from home. The financial burden of housing, meals, and other expenses doesn’t apply to students who are living with family and relying on parental support. Familiar routines, home-cooked meals, and familiar environments can provide a comforting and nurturing atmosphere, reducing stress and aiding in the adjustment process, allowing for a more seamless transition from high school to university life.

In conclusion, the decision whether to live away from home or with family during university studies carries advantages and disadvantages. Living away from home fosters independence, self-reliance, and academic focus, while living with family provides emotional support, financial stability, and a familiar environment. The choice ultimately depends on the individual’s priorities, personality, and familial circumstances. Nonetheless, it is crucial for students to weigh these factors carefully and consider the potential impact on their personal, academic, and social development.

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