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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Essay, topic: Computers instead of teachers

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?

There is no doubt that education and the process of learning has changed since the introduction of computers. The search for information has become easier and more entertaining, and connectivity has expedited the availability of data. Though systems have made computers more intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute for the human interaction in the learning process. In my opinion, what can be expected is a change in the teachers’ role, but not their disappearance from the classroom.

Nobody can argue with the fact that the acquisition of knowledge is more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device constitutes an enjoyable task for a child. This, accompanied by a relaxing attitude and interactivity of software, usually contributes to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher educational level the availability of digital books, simulators and other academic materials provides the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not be at hand.

But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually embedded in the academic digital material, the need for human interaction in the learning process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a human being to be able to determine what the needs of each individual are. The expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is.

As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They have to be receptive to the changes that are taking , keep updated and serve as problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the for themselves.

To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will continue to play an important role in the classroom, especially at the primary school level. No matter how capable computers become, there will be no replacement for human interaction, but in the interaction takes place.

This is an excellent essay! Are you a native English speaker? Well done. The only problem is that this essay is too long, 365 words instead of 250-265 maximum.

way this

IELTS Essay, topic: Capital Punishment

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Serious crimes need capital punishment so that the are unable to get involved in the crime in the future. However, they want to stop the acts of violation in the future then it would be better to .

Overall, I agree with the fact that punishment is the way to avoid the and hence our lives become more secure. If the wrongdoer wants to be a good and there is a particular financial or personal problem that led him to the wrong way, then it would be the nice option to forgive him and try to solve the problem he . Although by this way, some bad may become effective of the society but some do not bring themselves to the right path because they are . The person that involved in the crime and never to stop the law-breaking act should be punished in extremely serious way. However, it totally depends on the nature of crime. Some to a capital punishment and some may require a small penalty. The law-making institutions are responsible to bring the bad man to the right level of punishment that he deserves. If there is weak legislation to properly handle the offender, it may for the good . The government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and better state to live. Laws should be implemented and executed in the most proper way that not allow the offender to commit violent acts or to break the law in any way and to any extent. To sum up, it is the responsibility of the state to stop people involved in crime. It may be done through solving the problems of the people that led them to commit that act or by the punishment accordingly.

Where are the paragraphs? This is a good essay; however there are many small mistakes that might cost you dearly. There are also several unclear expressions and grammatical errors.

You should rewrite it, giving more thought to what is required, e.g. paragraphs.

Click here to see more IELTS essays of band 5

a confusing expression
increase in crime rate
incorrect unclear expression
“is” was missing here
crimes lead
mean that our society becomes less secure
remove, not necessary
from getting