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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS Letter, topic: item left on the bus

Write a letter to a bus company saying you have left something valuable on the bus and tell them what to do if they find it.

Dear Sir/Madam,

The reason I am writing this letter to you is because I have left my bag bus which I took. It was on Tuesday 5th of August at around 3:00pm. The bus station the bus was at Jalan Pinang (bus no 55) and I got at Jalan Tujuan.

I have tried to locate the bus and the driver but was unable too. with some samples of custom-made jewellery of my company. There were 165 of it in the bag. It’s the last set of samples that I have. the samples .

If you have found it could you please call me on 03 5192 6541 or email me at and I will arrange a pick-up from your office.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
S. Chua

This letter needs some work. It covers the task and has the right structure. However the structure of the sentences needs some attention as well as the accuracy of expressions (see comments underlined in blue for more details). Overall, this looks like a Band 6.5 letter.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 7

on you company’s
Where I boarded
The bag I lost was brown
we have nothing to show to our customers

IELTS Letter, topic: Explanation of delayed first working day

You successfully passed a job interview. You are expected to start on November 15, but you will not be available on that date.

Task: Write a letter to your new boss, explaining your situation, expressing your concern and suggesting solutions.

Dear Mr Goode,

I am writing to inform you that I won’t be able to start work on November 15, as agreed during my recent interview with you.

The reason I can’t start my work my mother has down the stairs yesterday. As, I am the only daughter and there are no other relatives that are able to look after my mother, I have no but to go back to look after her. According to the doctors it will take about two weeks for her to be able to walk and take care of herself again.

I apologize for all the inconvenience and I truly that you need me to be at work on that day for the project that is scheduled to be completed three weeks later. I am able to work for home and the project as . I will also report to you through e-mail and if there is a problem, I will call and inform you along the way.

Once again, I’m very sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Yours sincerely,
S. Chua.

This is a good letter. It covers the task, has a good structure, the paragraphs are coherent. There are several grammatical errors (see comments underlined in blue) and a poorly structured sentence that needs improvement (it starts with “I apologize for all the inconvenience”). Overall, this looks like a band 6.5 letter – some improvement to grammar could take it to Band 7.

Click here to see more IELTS letters of band 7

is that
will complete