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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Many believe that international tourism is bad for their country (reasons and solutions)

Many people believe that international tourism is a bad thing for their countries. What are the reasons for this? What can be done to change this negative attitude towards international tourism?

Many individuals think that foreign tourism brings negative effects to their countries. There are several reasons for such negative attitude towards international travelers. However, a couple of solutions could be adopted to handle this situation, as will now be discussed.

International tourists are often criticized for their contribution to the environmental degradation. It has continuously been noticed that they throw rubbish in their surroundings irresponsibly, which increases the amount of litter everywhere, despite all attempts to reduce waste produced by the local community. This contributes to water, air and soil contamination.

Furthermore, foreign tourism has a harmful influence on traditional customs and indigenous practices of host countries because many tourists are careless and insensitive the emotions and feelings of local residents. For instance, in India, some foreign travelers wear inappropriate clothes or expose too much of skin when they visit sacred places, which leads to some negative attitude and the local public.

However, this situation can be improved different solutions which could be handled by the government. The government should explain the benefits of international tourism which contributes to the development of local . They not only spend money in shops and restaurants but also create jobs in service industries, and this aspect could be publicized. Additionally, the government should increase the awareness among the foreigners through different media such as roadside billboards and advertisements, and tourists should be encouraged to get rid of rubbish correctly.

In conclusion, the inhospitable feeling that the local people have for international tourists can be explained in many ways. However, in my opinion, the government’s involvement is essential to change the negative attitude by citing various advantages of international tourism to their country and raising awareness among tourists in order to protect local habitats.

This essay covers the entire task topic by exploring both reasons for negative attitude towards international tourism and some possible actions to change it. The writer explains why locals may resent international tourists and suggests what steps can be taken to transform the way people feel about foreigners in their country. The information is well-organised by the use of paragraphing, and the writer moves from one idea to the next effortlessly, with the help of linking words. A wide range of vocabulary is used, including less common words such as “degradation”,”inhospitable”, “habitat”, “awareness” and “sacred”. Instances of inaccurate word choice are rare, and even these slips don’t cause difficulty for the reader. Overall, this looks like a Band 8 essay.

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‘to’ is the correct preposition here
by adopting (the preposition ‘by’ is missing)
the writer means ‘economy’, not ‘residents’

IELTS essay, topic: Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Many museums charge for admission while others are free. Do you think the advantages of charging people for admission to museums outweigh the disadvantages?

Museums are educational places which are beneficial for people in societies. However, these days, people have to pay an entrance fee to enter many museums. Although this phenomenon can lead to negative effects, I believe that there are more positive effects.

It cannot be denied that price of tickets can bring about detrimental impacts to people, societies, and the museums themselves. From people’s perspective, they are discouraged to visit the museum and not able to access useful information and knowledge freely, particularly the poor because they cannot afford such amount. From societies’ perspective, citizens have fewer opportunities to access vitally significant places to learn history, science, art, and many other essential subjects. From museums’ perspective, they cannot attain one of their objectives to educate people. Moreover, they may have to close down as they lose more of their customers.

Despite aforementioned disadvantages, I am convinced that brings about a myriad of advantages. Firstly, museums will have money to operate which covers their business overhead such as personnel cost, , electricity and water bills. Secondly, the museums can generate their own revenue to improve the place effectively to attract people, for example, to update their exhibits and keep the place clean and good-looking. Having visited many museums myself, I have learnt that many museums which sell tickets are better than those that do not charge for tickets in terms of places, information, and management.

In conclusion, although I recognize that the museums ticket sales can cause drawbacks to stakeholders in societies, I believe that museums should not remain free for all so as to be operated and developed most effectively.

This is a great example of a Band 8 essay. The test-taker covered both the advantages and the disadvantages of museums charging an admission fee. The ideas are conveyed, extended and supported with relevant examples. The order in which the information is presented makes sense, and there is sufficient use of linking words. The range of vocabulary is impressive. Even though there are some instances of less-than-accurate word choice, most of this essay is error-free. Grammatical errors are also rare here. All in all, this essay seems worthy of IELTS Band 8.

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this is a spelling mistake, the writer meant ‘far’
the correct expression is ‘charging for admission’ or ‘charging admission fees’
the noun ‘equipment’ has no plural form