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IELTS Writing Samples

IELTS essay samples (writing task 2), report and letter samples (writing task 1) with Band Scores, marked by IELTS teachers, including comments and suggestions on how to increase your score

IELTS essay, topic: Senior managers should have higher salaries than other employees (agree/disagree)

In many countries senior positions have higher salaries compared to those of young workers of the same company. Some people think this isn’t justified. Do you agree or disagree?

While some believe that rewarding those in managerial positions with higher pay packets is appropriate, not everyone agrees with this view. Personally, I am leaning towards the latter position due to negative impacts caused by significant difference in salaries within a company.

For one, executive officers should know that higher than sufficient salaries are not necessary. Indeed, the higher the remuneration they receive, the more likely the company to suffer from devoid of financial capability. Furthermore, they often gain powers that money can’t buy. For instance, they often make important decisions over how to make their company thrive. They are also entitled to allocate company’s budget and designate tasks to other workers. these non-financial entitlements, they should refrain from earning more than reasonable amounts as salaries.

Unreasonably high salaries granted to the executives can also afflict other employees. In fact, it is foreseeable that many employees would feel powerless or even when they find out about the huge salary gap between the executive officers’ and theirs. Accordingly, some may leave the company, and others may go on to strike and demand a pay increase. However, those actions . Therefore, unfair salary systems like this would yield unhealthy working environment for both employers and employees.

In conclusion, I oppose to those in managerial roles with obscene amounts of compensation because it can cost the company its prosperity and discourage other employees . Thus it is recommended for the company to decide on the salaries of executive officers and general workers by adopting a more motivating salary system.

This is a good example of an IELTS Band 8 essay. The task statement is sufficiently discussed, and the writer’s arguments are relevant and well developed. There are only 2 body paragraphs, but they are coherent and help to organise the information. Linking words are used appropriately to sequence ideas. Skillful use of synonyms throughout the essay demonstrates the writer’s vocabulary. Some of the expressions used aren’t entirely suitable or accurate, but there aren’t many of them. Overall, this essay seems worthy of IELTS Band 8.0.

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the writer means ‘due to gaining’
the correct form is ‘disappointed’
the correct expression is ‘are neither productive nor worthy of doing’
the correct form is ‘providing’
the correct expression is “from working hard”

IELTS essay, topic: Advertising affects what people think is important and has a negative effect on their lives (agree/disagree)

Today people are surrounded by advertising. This affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the advent of the Internet, advertisements, originally displayed only on TV, billboards, posters and so on, are becoming increasingly ubiquitous and commonplace for the general public. In my view, this kind of impact could be both crucial and, on a certain level, detrimental.

On the one hand, this phenomenon could denote that although we have already had a diverse range of , people are still capable of inventing innovative approaches catering for all kinds of requirements of advertising. It is a symbol that demonstrates the creativity rooted in human beings. Apart from that, it also represents that the speed of spreading information is conspicuously escalating. More purposeful is, therefore, the fact that, besides booming of the advertising, it constitutes a major reason why people could be so prosperous in this digital age.

On the other hand, there are various unpleasant consequences as well. Firstly, with the omnipresent , it could potentially cause people to do impulsive shopping. Secondly, the , if regulated in a mismanaged , could make people constantly feel uncomfortable or annoyed. In this sense, instead of being an instrumental tool to promote amenities, advertisements could be considered a hindrance when people are frequently blocked by them. Furthermore, it would cost one precious time to have to sift the helpful ad from a host of others.

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, advertising is a beneficial phenomenon for all with a number of insignificant drawbacks. I believe that in the future we can improve the way advertising is done at present, and embrace the positive influence of advertising even further in the long run.

This essay is another example of what Band 8 writing may look like. It’s weak point is that the author goes slightly off-topic while trying to discuss whether advertising affects what people view as important and instead talks about the reason advertising is spreading and about human creativity. However, the other part of task type (negative effects of advertising) is covered well, the ideas are well-developed and supported. There is a clear logical flow of information and a range of transitional words is used appropriately to sequence ideas. The way author uses synonyms to rephrase the task topic in the intro paragraph demonstrates their lexical skill, which is also evident in other parts of this essay. There are many complex sentences and very few errors. Overall, this essay seems worthy of IELTS Band 8.0.

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the writer means ‘advertisements’
the writer means ‘advertising’
the writer means ‘advertising’
the writer means ‘manner’ or ‘way’